Galra Keith

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Keith lied on his bed in a fetal position, his tears long gone, but still burned at his eyes, and his chest hurt from sobbing. He buried his face into his tear-stained pillow, but then decided against it, because the fabric was disgustingly wet.

He heard a knock at his door.

"Go away," he said, his voice hoarse from crying.

"Keith?" asked Lance from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?"

"Why would you want to?" Keith responded. "I'm a disgusting monster anyway. No one should trust me."

"I know you're going through a hard time right now," Lance continued. "Hunk made you some space hot cocoa."

"No thanks," Keith said. "I'm not thirsty."

"But can I come in?"


"Well, when I was going through a tough time, Mama gave me hot cocoa and a hug, and it always made me feel better," Lance told him.

"You don't understand," Keith sighed sadly.

"Well, I know it's not the same, but when I came to the U.S. from Cuba to go to the Garrison, lots of people made fun of me, and didn't make me feel I belonged," Lance began. "I felt like an outsider, like how you must feel now. Apparently, since I was a different color and came from a different country, I didn't belong there. I talked to Mama every night, and she helped me feel better. But the feeling always came back, and I spiraled into a depression. I kept everyone out. Then, Hunk came in and made me feel like I belonged. Now, he's my best friend."

"You came from Cuba?" Keith asked.

"Yeah, my whole family lives there," Lance said.

The door opened, and a sullen Keith stood in front of the door. His skin was spotted with purple splotches, his ears looked bat-like, and his nails resembled claws. Lance's eyes widened in surprise.

"Are you okay?"

"No," Keith shook his head. "Not even close."

Lance held up the hot cocoa to offer it, Keith smiling slightly and taking the hot beverage from the blue paladin's hands.

"Careful, it's hot," Lance warned.

He put it up to his lips and took a sip.

"Better?" asked the blue paladin.

Keith shrugged. "A little."

"Well, it's better than nothing, huh?"

"I guess," said Keith. "So, why aren't you scared of me? Allura definitely was. Hunk got over it. What about you?"

"It's not your fault," Lance told him. "Why should I blame you for genetics? I mean, now I know why you're such a douchebag sometimes-"

Keith looked at him, an unimpressed eyebrow raised.

"That's not what I meant, I mean now that explains some of the things you are, but being Galra doesn't make who you are," Lance explained. "Does that make sense?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"I suppose Shiro disappearing has a hand in why you're in such bad shape, too?"

"That's a way to put it. He's like a brother to me."

"It's okay, Keith," Lance consoled him. "We will find him, no matter what. But, in the meantime, if it makes you feel any better, I miss my family, too. They must be really worried about me."

"It's fine," Keith said, sniffling. "We will beat this stupid Galra empire then we will go home, and you can see your family again."

"How about you?"

"I'll just go to my shack, I guess."

"No, no, no you don't," Lance protested.

Keith looked at him confusedly.


"You will be staying with me until we can figure something else out, okay?"

"Okay, but-"

"Nope, no buts," Lance interrupted, pulling him into a hug. "You're gonna be staying with me, whether you like it or not."

Keith returned it, burying his face into Lance's shoulder and wetting his shirt with his tears that leaked out of his eyes.

"Keith," said the blue paladin.


"Can you stop flapping your ear on my face? I mean, your ears are pretty cute, but it kinda tickles, so..."

"Yeah, sorry," Keith said. "Hey, Lance?"

"Hmm?" asked Lance, pulling away from the hug.

Keith dove in and pressed his lips to Lance's. Lance's eyes widened in surprise before fluttering shut. Lance began to kiss back.

Keith then pulled away, rubbing his lips together.

"Was that... okay?" inquired Keith.

Lance's cheeks flushed. "Y-yeah, it w-was nice."

"Sorry for the sudden-"

Lance leaned in for another kiss, capturing Keith's lips with his own.

When Lance pulled away, he laughed. "It's fine. Hey, Keith?"


"Does this make me a furry?"

"What the hell is a furry?"

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