Doubts and Depressing Thoughts

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---Slight Trigger Warning---

Being a defender of the universe, Keith was always busy, whether if it was making treaties with other people on planets that he didn't even know existed, or fighting off the Galra in space invasions or in fleets of ships. As a result, being busy all the time left Keith not knowing what to do when there was nothing to do. Those rare moments were when he thought too deeply. Those rare moments were when all the depressing thoughts lurked out of their hiding places in the dark craters and crevices of his mind.

That day was one of those particular days, on the travel between planets and intergalactic societies to create treaties with to gain the universe's trust and support in the war against Zarkon and the Galran race.

Keith's brain racked with boredom as he once again took down the fighting robot with ease. He swung his bayard at it, for it to dissolve and for another one to prepare to jump down once he summoned it. However, he didn't. He put his sword back into its bayard form and journeyed to the control room, thoughts forming as he walked.

You don't deserve to be a paladin of Voltron. You don't deserve Lance. You don't deserve anything you were given. You didn't even deserve your parents. You don't deserve happiness.

"Lance loves me, and I do deserve to be happy," Keith told the dark voice in his head, sitting down on the floor of the control room.

You really think he loves you? Why do you think he flirts with all of those girls all the time? He doesn't love you. You're just the only one around that he could throw his affections at. There is no one else, you were the only option, you were forced to be together. One day, he'll find a girl and will leave you alone and heartbroken. He will abandon you.

"That's not true!" Keith screamed internally, fighting back tears.

Worthless. Stupid. Lance could never love you. He made fun of you. He made fun of your hair, he made fun of you even when you started to be paladins. You're an idiot.

"That was before-" Keith felt a couple of tears spill out of his eyes and drip down his cheeks. He reached up to his face to wipe the salty tears on his cheeks, his hand becoming wet as he pulled them away.

You shouldn't be a paladin. You're crying. You're worthless, you could never accomplish anything for the team. You are filled with impulsiveness, you could never work with anyone as a team. You should go back to Earth, and be the stupid, worthless, lonely person you were before.

Keith sobbed, clenching his eyes closed to relinquish the dark, depressing thoughts his mind managed to conjure. They were now repeating, "Lance could never love you. Worthless. Lance could never love you. Pathetic." like a dismal mantra.

"Th-that's not true!" Keith shouted aloud this time, followed by another sob as the dam broke, tears now flowing freely down his cheeks like a waterfall. He clenched his eyes shut again, trying to stop the tears,

Lance heard the shout and the broken sob coming from inside the control room. Feeling immediate concern for his boyfriend, Lance investigated the control room, seeing Keith broken, crying and hiccuping harshly on the floor. The boy rushed to him without thinking, scooping the red paladin into his arms, and held him closely to his chest.

Keith immediately wrapped his arms around the tan-skinned boy, who pressed his warm lips chastely against Keith's forehead before gently guiding his head so it would be right under his chin. Keith let out another sob before holding onto Lance more tightly. Lance swayed them gently for a little while until Keith's crying ceased slightly. The silence was not exactly a sweet silence, it was a silence filled with pain, sorrow, and worry, an agonizing type of silence no one wanted in their lifetimes, but here it was now, the only sounds being the rustling of their clothes as the two boys moved slightly, enveloped in the other's arms.

"What's wrong, Keith?" Lance finally asked, breaking the horribly agonizing silence.

Keith sniffled. "Nothing."

"If it was nothing, I wouldn't have found you crying on the floor. Please, Keith," Lance pleaded, looking into Keith's red-rimmed eyes. "Tell me what's wrong."

Keith sniffled again, the thoughts flowing back into his brain. He inched away from Lance a little.


He took a deep breath before beginning to explain. "It's just... We're all alone out h-here in space. A-all we have is e-each other. I just thought... W-what if you don't even like me? What if y-you're with me just because I-I'm the only option?"

Lance's eyes widened in surprise to hear what came out of his boyfriend's mouth, which was quivering like the rest of him. "Keith."

Keith looked up at Lance's face, which expressed a sorrowful look. He wondered what his own face looked like at the moment. Probably all blotchy, red, and puffy, not very attractive. However, why Lance was still there was the real question on his mind.

"I'm not with you because you're my only option," Lance inched towards Keith, placing his hand on top of his boyfriend's. Keith looked into his eyes. "I'm with you because I love you." A smile appeared on Keith's face, tears welling up in his purple eyes again. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Lance pulled Keith into another hug, Keith burying his face into Lance's shoulder, wetting his boyfriend's jacket with his tears. Lance smiled, turning his head slightly to kiss Keith's raven-colored hair and his ear before hugging him tighter.

"I love you," Keith said, his words muffled by the fabric of Lance's jacket.

"I love you too, bebe oso," Lance replied.

"I still don't know what that means," Keith told him.

Lance chuckled, pulling back from the hug to plant a sweet kiss upon the red paladin's lips, which made him flush more red than he was before. "It's a surprise."

"Dude, if you don't tell me, I'm just gonna Google Translate it later."

"Then Google Translate it, I don't care," Lance responded, kissing him again, except longer and more passionate than the first.

Keith loved Lance's kisses, since he always treated each one like they were the first one they ever shared; he could feel the passion radiating off of him. He loved Lance, period. And now, he fully knew that Lance felt the same, and nothing was ever going to change that.

I'm back from the dead! 💙❤️☄☄☄ I'm so sorry for not updating I was kind of sucked into Yuri on Ice hell, but I'm back, and I have time, since I was booked for such a long fricking time and I hated not having spare time to write. I promise I will update this book more often, I love all my readers so freaking much, you guys are my inspiration. Speaking of inspiration, this Drabble™ was inspired by a comic by imafuq on tumblr, you should go check them out.
Your loving author,

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