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Keith loved to draw. He didn't think he was good at it, but he had some sketch books on the Castle of Lions with him, and he drew whenever there wasn't anything to do. He was currently sitting on the couch in the Rec Room, doodling in his sketch book, when Lance came in and saw what he was doing.

Lance smirked and lied down on the couch in a suggestive manner, causing Keith to look up at him with a skeptical eyebrow raised.

"Hey, Keith~" Lance grinned. "Draw me like one of your French girls~"

Unfortunately for Keith, his boyfriend was a meme.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, draw me like one of your French girls~" Lance repeated, his smirk not fading.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Keith told him.

"You've never seen that movie?" Lance asked incredulously.

"Umm, no," Keith said.

"Well, still, draw me!" Lance requested.

"Okay," Keith shrugged. "I didn't know what to draw anyway."

Keith told his model to pose in a specific way, which Lance obeyed. Then, Keith started to draw him. After a few lines and strokes, the drawing started to form his boyfriend. He drew his eyes, nose, and lips, trying to perfect it. When he was done, it looked actually pretty good. Lance grinned widely when he saw the finished product.

"I'm going to hang this up in my room!" Lance thanked him.

Lance would have hung the picture in his room, even if it was bad. He was just so happy his boyfriend drew him something, and he wanted to show it to the whole castle and all of the aliens they visited. It was going to stay in his room for a while until he got copies and put them in his lion and everywhere that he could that was his. When they defeated Zarkon, he would put it in his room at his house on Earth, too. He loved the drawing, and he loved Keith. He also loved himself, but that was irrelevant.

"If you're going to make copies, I want one too!" Keith told Lance.

"Me too!" Hunk said. "It's really good, Keith."

"Thank you," Keith replied.

"I'll get a copy for everyone," Lance decided.

"I can make the copies," Pidge offered.

And that is why there is a picture of Lance in everyone's room in the castle, and Keith is still really proud of his drawing.

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