Episode 15

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Once able to gain control Jeffrey tried, and failed, to maintain his anger at seeing not only his daughter but the other four children covered head to foot with mud.

“Guess what Daddy, Rich proclaimed me Queen Mud Pie,” she cried out, bouncing over to him.

“M’ lord, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say,” Sam pleaded, fearful at what the viscount might do.

Jeffrey cocked his head and started to glare at him then grinned.

“How about, remember when I decreed you King Mud Pie. If memory serves we were about the same age as my daughter and Rich.”

“How could I have forgotten. My father made sure I didn’t sit for a week,” Sam answered with a wide but pained grin.

“You don’t want to know what happened to me. But, that’s neither here nor there as we now have five children covered in mud to deal with,” Jeffrey said, the turned to Jane. “Are you sure you still think you can handle them for the next few days?”

“Most certainly m’ lord. With your permission I’d like to start this very moment and all I ask is you let me deal with them my way?”

“Then you have my consent to proceed.”

Stepping back to the cart he leaned against it, crossed his arms over his chest and waited to see what she’d do. Not surprisingly Sam joined him.

“M’ lord have you any idea what she’s going to do?”

“I wish I did?”

Returning his attention to Jane he watched as she stepped up to the children, leaned forward and whispered something to them. He would have loved to know what she’d said as in seconds she had them lined up, smallest to tallest.

“Sam before you ask, don’t. For some reason that woman has a way with children. You should have seen how Abigail took to her almost immediately upon her arrival.”

No sooner had he finished speaking than than words started to sink in but it was Sam who brought them to life.

“M’ lord, if that’s the case and the way she’s handling our children, don’t you think you might want to consider marrying her.”

The splash of water and high squealed chatter saved him from answering. With a glance to the well he watched as his daughter and Rich washed the mud from their hands and faces. He knew the clothes were a lost cause to be dealt with later back at the mansion, by Mrs. Linwood he had no doubt.

No sooner were they sort of clean then Jeffrey watched, without prompting from Jane, Abigail tackled the girls while Rich attempted to clean Toby, other son.

When he detected resistance from the younger boy Jeffrey was about to step in when a hand on his arm halted him.

“M’ lord, it seems Jane has everything under control,” Martha said softly, before adding. “If you’ll excuse me I do think our children will need a few more clothes than I packed.”

“There shouldn’t be any need as I’m sure between my housekeeper and Jane they can hunt out clothes for everyone,” he said, hoping to be correct.

“Thank you, m’ lord,” Martha responded .

A screech of glee brought Jeffrey’s attention to where Jane had the children, again lined up in order of height. He watched, focusing on her delicate form as she bent over and whispered to Sue, then led them over to where he was leaning against the cart.

“M’ lord, Sue has something she wishes to say.”

Still with his arms across his chest he glared down at the little girl then softened his expression when he saw she was about to burst out in tears.

“Yes littlest one.”

“Me ord. We torry ta get Aggil all uddy.”

Jeffrey started to speak as she tried to give him a curtsey and almost fell over But if not for his quick action she would have. Lifting her in his arms he bestowed a smile on her then gave her ruddy cheek a kiss.

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