Episode 11

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The Duke of Kent cocked his head toward his duchess, not sure how to answer the query.

“After Lord Stevens falsified his claims of compromising Lady Stanton she was forced to hide out in our townhouse until the accusations could be refuted. About a month ago we decided she’d be safer and more relaxed so we sent her to one of our country estates,” the duchess said, hoping the falsehood would be believed.

Kenneth studied Lord Bloodstone’s reaction to what his duchess had imparted on them. From the expressions on both their faces he could see they believed her, which was good as it kept their daughter protected.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us we wish to continue on our stroll,” he said in a tone of voice so not to brook discussion.

With promises to meet later the duke guided his wife from the Bloodstones.

Once out of earshot he thanked her for her quick thinking and sending the curious in different directions.

“Remind me to post letters to the caretakers of my estates that if anyone should call seeking out our daughter they make excuses she isn’t available,” Kenneth said.

“Most certainly. Shall we return home as I think it’s time we rejoin the ton at a ball or two this eve,” Joanna suggested.

“Agreed but with one condition, you dance only waltzes and with me,” the duke said gazing longingly into his wife’s eyes before returning her to their landau.

“As if there was another I would?” she replied.

Two days later-estate of Lord Weston

“Good morning ladies,” Jeffrey declared as he strolled into the breakfast room, then with a hand waved for Jane to remain seated.

“Morning Father,” Abigail cried out in joy.

“Morning, m’ lord. Thank you for the invitation to allow us to break our fast with you today,” Jane said.

“You welcome. As with tea in the sitting room I’ve decided we’ll take all our meals, if possible, together. I know it will put an extra burden on you, Jane, but I feel you’re up for the challenge.”

“M’ lord, I beg to differ but it won’t. As you can see Lady Abigail, even though slightly over exuberant, did remain seated as you entered.”

Jeffrey glanced from Jane to his daughter, excitedly wiggling in her chair, a fork full of ham between the plate and her mouth.

“Oh, put your fork down and come give me a hug my princess,” he said, getting down on a knee so he’d be eyelevel with her.

He smiled as she started to do as asked only to stop at the last instant.

“Father, it would be unseemly of me to behave in such a childish manner. Don’t forget, as you said only the other day, I’m the lady of the manor and should deport myself as such. If you wish to bestow a kiss to my cheek I’d not object,” Abigail said.

Weston wanted to laugh as his daughter tilting her head slightly so he could do as asked, or was it an order, he wasn’t sure before looking at Jane.

“M’ lord, that was all her. I can assure you I had no input as to her behavior, however I do find it appropriate.”

“Very well then,” Jeffrey said, strolling up and giving his daughter the requested buss.

He then set his attention to selecting several different meats and eggs before returning to the table and taking his seat. Partway through the meal he glanced over his tea cup at Jane.

“As I understand for the past few months you’ve been assisting Mrs. Linwood with taking needed clothing, food and medicine to the tenants?”

“Yes. We were planning to make the rounds today. Would you care to join us, m’ lord?”

Jeffrey shared a smile between her and his daughter. “I believe, now with you,” he transferred his attention back to Abigail. “Being the lady of the estate you might want to join Jane and I on the rounds today?”

“Father, I would love to. I always wondered what went on during the visits,” she answered, giving him a smile.

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