The Language of Notes

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The Language of Notes ~

Just because we have heard it,

Doesn't mean we understand it.

It is a language only known by a few,

And those few cherish the precious words they know.

One note can be a whole story,

And at the same time one word can be a whole song.

Music doesn't have a beginning or end,

And it never has and never will.

It's been with us forever, and forever with us it will be.

It cannot fade because it is all around us.

We might not hear it because we are used to it,

Because we take it for garneted,

But that doesn't mean it's not there.

The whistle of the wind,

The rush of swaying plants,

The calls of all creatures,

The rumble of mans creation.

Silence is never achieved,

If we use are ears music is always present.

It always will be, till the end of time,

And even then it will continue into the far future.

Music surrounds us in every one of our life's moments,

Whether good or bad,

We can hear it if we wish,

All we have to do is listen...

Spontanious Poetry!! XDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora