Me: I dunno. I just wanted to be alone with you and read today.

Jayden: We can do that tomorrow. This is really important.

I looked up from my book and to her.

Me: How important.

Jayden: Hella important.

Me: Hm. Okay then.

She leaned down and I kissed her lips.

Jayden: You feeling okay?

Me: Yeah. I got a call from my doctor and she set up a appointment for me to go and get my hymen checked out. When I left the hospital the doctor said my hymen had a chance of healing but my doctor said she just wanted to check it.

Jayden: Okay. Im coming with you. I dont trust nobody.

Me: Except me.

Jayden: Except my baby.

I smiled and kissed her cheek.

Me: Can you bring me a lemonade? Please?

Jayden: Yeah. I'll be back.

She jogged in and came back with a canned lemonade.

Me: Thanks baby.

Jayden: No problem. I'll be inside if you need me.

Me: Okay.

She walked back into the house and ai continued to read.

About an hour later I heard Ariyanah's loud ass mouth as she walked towards me.

Me: I literally just saw you yesterday.

Ariyanah: What I can't miss one of my bestfriends?

Me: Yeah okay.

We hugged and she sat in the other pool chair beside mine.

Me: How's my sister?

Ariyanah: She's inside.

Me: Imma go see her.

I saved my place in my book which was close to the end went into the house. I saw Rosa in the kitchen texting.

Me: Hey Rosa.

She looked up and ran to me, giving me the biggest hug of all time.

Rosa: I miss you.

Me: I miss you too.

Rosa: Can we go home?

Me: Sit down. Lets talk about that.

We sat at the table and I looked at her.

Me: I was thinking about moving out of the apartment. I cant go back there. I get scared.

Rosa: Moving? Geesh.

Me: If you dont want to we can stay there. I think I can tou-

Rosa: Let's do it.

Me: What? Are you sure?

Rosa: Yeah. We can move out and into a house.

Me: Rosalia, are you sure about this?

Rosa: Im positive, Jayda. It'll be a fresh start for the both of us. I mean I did shoot and kill someone there.

Me: What!?

Rosa: Oh heh. Well look at that everybody's here. Time to go.

She quickly walked towards the back door but I yelled after her.

Me: Rosalia Kayden Martin! Nosotros hablamos acerca de esta luego! ( We talk about this later! )

Rosa: Okay!

I went into the living room and sat on Jayden's lap. I laid my head on her shoulder and looked at everybody.

Me: So what was so important that I had to stop my reading.

Cameron: Anna is going to be working both sides. She's basically going to be a spy.

Me: What? Both sides? What sides?

Anna: A few days ago Ava texted me asking if I wanted to get revenge on you guys from how you treated me earlier in life when we had just met. She told me to give her a answer the next day by noon. Which was yesterday. But she asked again today.

Danielle: And your gonna do it?

Anna: Yeah. I mean she had people fuck up Jayda. Trash Jayden's place. She poisoned Jayda. Somebody needs to kill-

Me: No. I cant let you do that. What if she finds out? She would probably kill you.

Anna: Please. That bitch aint gone kill me. I'll do her like they do on Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

I hid a smiled as I shook my head.

Me: Please Anna. I cant loose you. Your one of my bestfriends.

Anna: I promise your not gonna loose me.

Jayden's tattooed arms wrapped around me and I felt a tear drop at the thought of loosing Anna.

Skylar: So how's this gonna go?

Anna: I'm meeting up with her tomorrow in Wendy's at 12:00. I guess to get me started or whatever. I wont be around you guys as much since I'm gonna be a double agent basically but since I work at the store and all of you be there. I could pick up more hours and tell one of you what's going on and that person can tell everyone else. It has to be real secretive.

Me: What's the purpose of this?

Skylar: To find out if she's working alone or has someine with her. We're gonna kill her either way but in order to do that, we need to know if she's working with someone and if so how many.

I nodded and looked at Anna.

Me: Please please please be careful. I dont want to lose you.

Anna: I promise, Jayda.

We did a pinky promise and I laid my head in Jayden neck. I kissed behind her ear and whispered in it.

Me: Im going back out there to read.

Her arms unwrapprd around me and I got up. I headed out to the back where my sister was dangling her feet in the pool while talking on the phone. I laid back in my pool chair and continued reading my book and sipping my lemonade.

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Chapter 31 AnnaMay345

- Is Anna gonna die ?

- Should they move ? I'd move tbh.

- Leave comments and votes .

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