Arranged Marriage

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The restaurant who was usually filled with chatter and happy laughter, was now completely silent. I rubbed my thighs, trying to ease my nerves.

"Tell me everything." She said, her voice cold.

I folded my hands in my lap and bit my lip in deep thought. The truth was; I didn't know what to say. I heard her sigh.

"You love Baekhyun, don't you?"

My head shot up and her eyes met mine. They were warm and sorrowful as I nodded in reply. She took a sip of her glass before she continued.

"Then why aren't you being with him at this moment? Why did you break it off?"

I gulped and looked down at my hands. All confidence had left my body the moment she stepped into the restaurant.

"I'm dragging him down, I'm not good enough for him." I choked out before I looked up at her face.

"I don't want to be a burden for him, not after all his hard work." I finished off. 

Her eyes widened and she started to laugh. I frowned.

Here I sat telling her my deepest feelings, and she sat there laughing!

"I'm sorry Chanyeol-" she said and wiped away some tears.

"But that's the most idiotic thing I have ever heard."

I felt more confused than ever and she sensed my mood and stopped laughing. She took a deep breath and took my hand in hers. Her hand was small and warm, and it squeezed mine carefully.


"It was never my intention that Baekhyun had to be married before he took over the company, it has always been his mother's wish."

I frowned and she gave me a sad smile. The whole time I thought she was the one who thought of Baekhyun as weak. Like as if he couldn't do his job properly without being married. I was wrong.

"I didn't want Baekhyun to hate his mother more than he already do. Their relationship has always been very complicated and she has hurt him way too many times. Therefore, was it I who told Baekhyun that he had to marry first. If it seemed like it was my idea, he would do it no matter what and his mother would be happy."

She released my hand and leaned back into her seat with a deep sigh.

"His mother wanted to marry him off to some random girl, but I commanded that he should be the one to choose. I don't want an arrange marriage for my sweet little boy. He deserves so much more than that. His mother agreed to that, but then he met you."

I flinched when her eyes met mine again.

"And he was happier than he has ever been." She continued and her eyes were filled with tears now.

"She didn't seem happy about me though." I replied quietly. His mother had not tried to hide her disgust when I overheard them talking about me in the park.

"His mother wouldn't be happy no matter who he chose. She only wants him to marry Kris, or Wu Yifan, because then the companies would be united. That lady is desperate after money, I swear to God."

I nearly growled when she mentioned his name.
No way I'm going to let my Baekhyun marry that man.
In fact, I didn't want him to be with no other than me. Imagining Baekhyun with someone else, felt like a stab in the heart. 

Call me selfish, but it was true.

"When Baekhyun made it clear that he was not interested in marrying his best friend, she got really mad. The fact that she's rejecting you, doesn't surprise me at all. It's not because of you Chanyeol, it's simply because you're not Wu Yifan." She said and I blinked in shock. 

This was almost too much to process.

"What should I do?" I asked worried.

Her eyebrow raised and at that moment she looked so much like her cheeky grandson.

"Take him back." She replied easily.

I groaned and put my head in my arms.

"That doesn't solve the problem with his mother, though. I don't want him to lose all he has worked for, because of me."

She flicked my arm and I jumped in surprise. The old lady was frowning, and her voice was stern when she spoke.

"Do you really think Baekhyun has been at work for the last couple of weeks, after you two broke up?"


"He doesn't want the company if he can't be with you, you stupid boy." She reprimanded but a smile formed at the end.

I gasped and she laughed.

"So, go and talk to him. Get your boyfriend back." She shushed me and motioned me to get up. Faster than lighting, I got up of my chair, ready to run.


I turned around and looked at her. My heart was beating so fast.

"Make sure you don't break your promise to me this time, Mr. Park." she said seriously.

"I won't." I was about to run again, but stopped in my tracks.

"How did you know I worked here? I don't recall telling you."

Her eyes lit up and she pointed in the direction behind me. I turned around and saw Kyungsoo standing by the door. He waved at us with a pleased smile on his face.

"This lovely, young man called me and told me about everything. He even picked me up and drove me down here." She said with a warm smile.

"Kyungsoo!" I shouted and ran up to him, attacking him with a hug. He gasped in surprise but returned the hug.

"Thank you, Soo." I whispered, my voice thick with emotions. He hugged me tighter before he released me.

"Go get your boyfriend back now, I have to go and yell at my own boyfriend for giving the worst advice ever." He spat out and I laughed.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed my jacket. Sehun and Jongdae gave me confused looks, but I didn't have the time to explain. In under a minute I ran out of the restaurant.

"You really are an idiot Park Chanyeol." Kyungsoo shouted after me and I waved my hand at him, a big smile on my face.

I'm coming Baekhyun.

Shitty Blind Dates (Chanbaek/Baekyeol)Where stories live. Discover now