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"What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he's busy?" I bit my lip nervously and Kyungsoo placed his hands on his hips.

"Of course, he wants to see his boyfriend, Chanyeol. Don't be an idiot." Kyungsoo said and shoved the bag into my hands.


"No buts! Go, and have lovey-dovey lunch with your precious boyfriend."

I couldn't help the small smile forming on my face of the thought of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo pushed me once more.

"Come on now, you big giant."

Yixing stood beside Kyungsoo and looked confused and tired. His hair was a mess, even though Junmyeon had tried to fix it before he left. He was just like a mother hen, nagging and taking care of us. No wonder Sehun called him Mama sometimes. 

Yixing looked at me and then gave me a goofy smile and a thumb up. Jongdae was standing behind him, trying to make the mess on the top of his head even worse. He giggled and Yixing turned around, confused and curious of why his co-worker was suddenly in such a good mood. Kyungsoo glared at Jongdae in a warning before he motioned me to go once more.

I giggled and waved at them, almost running into the door on my way out of the restaurant.

After that one beautiful night, it felt like Baekhyun and I were closer than before. I blushed of the thought. Baekhyun had really made the night perfect, and I could honestly say that I wouldn't have changed anything with it. He had made me feel so safe, protected and ... good. Another blush appeared and even my ears felt warm now. The old lady looked at me curiously and I hid my face in my coat a bit. How embarrassing.

I drove down the familiar street, so used to picking up Baekhyun from work. Baekhyun usually had lunch around this time of the day, and Kyungsoo had made lunch for us. 

He could be a sweetheart sometimes, but it also meant that he was hiding something. One time he had been making me lunch for over a month before he told me that he had broken the blender he had borrowed from me. 

 Typical Kyungsoo to be honest.

 Yes, he was a good chef, be he honestly didn't understand technology that well. Or as he called it, the alien techno-shit. Jongin tried his best to teach Kyungsoo how to play video games, and I had found the mornings where they sat playing to be very amusing.

 Jongin whining because Kyungsoo won every time, even though he had no idea of what he was doing. It always ended up with him being bored, and a frustrated Jongin who didn't particularly like to lose. He was a bad loser, heck they both are.

I shrugged the thought off, and tried to concentrate on the road. People were crazy in the city at this time of the day. Just running over the street with their coffees, not even sparing a glance at the cars. It was a miracle that it hadn't been an accident yet today.

I was almost by his office when I saw Baekhyun stepping into a car with an older lady. His mother?
I stopped the car and sighed at the red light. What was I supposed to do now?
I facepalmed the steering wheel and jumped of the loud sound of the car horn.

An old man shouted at me with his hand raised, furious. I waved awkwardly back in an apology. The green light came on, signalizing me to move my ass already. I groaned, lunch was ruined but I could go to the park and eat there. 

Going back to the restaurant was not tempting. Jongdae nagging at a confused Yixing and Kyungsoo nagging at me for just coming back was not something I needed now. Agreeing with myself that the park was the best option I headed in the right direction, turning the volume up on the radio and tasting the disappointment in my mouth as I drove past his office.

The sun shone and the birds were chirping. I had found a small bench and ate some of the big lunch. Kyungsoo had really went for it this time and even cut the tomatoes into small hearts. He was obviously hiding some bullshit.

I was just finished with my food and threw the rest in the trash bin, when I heard a familiar voice behind the bushes.

"You can't make me."


I peeked over the bush, my curiosity winning me over. I know it's bad to eavesdrop, but I had never been a good kid. As a kid, I had always gotten into trouble, and I honestly don't remember how many times I had visited the principal's office through the years.

Baekhyun sat on the bench, with the older lady beside him. He was in his work suit, handsome as always. He was frowning and his usual bright smile was not to be seen.

"Baekhyun, we talked about this. We have already made an agreement with the family. You are getting married next month, and there's nothing I can do about it." She said.

My breath stopped, my eyes wide, my heart frozen.

Baekhyun's eyes were filled with tears, and he shook his head violently.

"No, I can't. I'm together with Chanyeol, I can't ju-"

"Well you have to. He's just a waiter for god's sake Baekhyun. That would be no good for the company, neither for you." The woman's voice was stern and Baekhyun looked down at his hands, tears rolling down his cheeks silently.

"Stop crying and drive me back. This discussion is over." She snapped and wiped his cheek without a hint warmth. 

 Baekhyun shrugged her hand off, but didn't say anything. He looked crushed, defeated I realised in horror.

It was my own tears I felt running down my cheeks that woke me from the frozen posture. When they stood up I turned around, fast as lighting. I left the park in a hurried walk, trying to get control over my breath.

Baekhyun wouldn't do this to me, would he? 

Shitty Blind Dates (Chanbaek/Baekyeol)Where stories live. Discover now