Visiting Baekhyun's Grandmother

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"Kiss me already."

I blushed and looked up at the man before me. His hair was dyed a lighter colour, dark blonde. He was wearing a hoodie and a pair of black jeans. I had been used to seeing him in perfectly, fitted suits at the restaurants before we started to hang out. 

Even though he had looked great in them, I had to admit it was a nice change seeing him in casual clothing. It felt like we were closer.

Baekhyun waited for my reply, and he wrinkled his nose.

"Aren't you still mad?" it slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself. Baekhyun's eyes widened before he broke out in a warm smile. He grabbed the front of my sweater and dragged me down so I was at his eyelevel.

"You can be a real moron sometimes, Park."

I gulped and he chuckled before he continued.

"But no, I'm not mad." His eyes nearly sparkled. I couldn't help the smile forming on my face.
Baekhyun had put his other hand behind my neck and edged me closer to him. He teasingly licked his lower lip while he gazed down at my own lips. Then our eyes met.

"Kiss me now." He said and so I did.


It was about a five-hour drive to where Baekhyun's grandmother lived.
Baekhyun drove while I sat in the passenger seat as the DJ and snack provider. We talked about all and nothing. 

The fight a couple of days ago, seemed to be forgotten for now. But what Jongin had said still lurked around in my mind.

Play dirty, make him desire you.

Make him want the Park Junior.

I blushed at the thought and looked quickly out of the window. Thank god Baekhyun didn't read thoughts. I would have been dead with embarrassment.

Baekhyun's voice was truly heavenly. He sang quietly when he thought I was asleep, the voice almost lulling me into sleep again.

"You haven't told me you can sing" I stated quietly and Baekhyun blushed.

"I thought you were asleep." He said, eyes on the road. It was getting darker outside.

"I was sleeping, but then I woke up to the voice of an angel." I smiled teasingly, and Baekhyun's ears were even red now.

"Oh, shush now." He giggled and held my hand between us. I squeezed his hand softly and Baekhyun smiled in reply. 

"We'll be there in half an hour by the way." Baekhyun said and I nodded. The clock was seven in the evening, and I yawned. I enjoy car rides, but I tend to get so sleepy.

Baekhyun had said that we were probably going to sleep right away after dinner with his grandmother, and the thought of a meal and then a bed to lay in sounded just right. I had to admit though, I was a bit nervous to meet her. She obviously plays a big role in Baekhyun's life. I think would be devastated if she doesn't like me, I know Baekhyun would.

Baekhyun drove the car off the highway and onto a little dirt way. More and more trees appeared and by a couple of minutes we were surrounded by them. Baekhyun seemed relaxed though, and I admired his profile. 

Fifteen minutes went quickly, and before I knew it, Baekhyun had parked the car in the driveway. He unbuckled his seat belt and faced me. He gave me a soft smile before he pressed his lips against mine. He tasted like candy.

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