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"Ahh he's here again, Chanyeol!" Jongdae smirked and I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the butterflies forming in my stomach.

Jongdae giggled before he went back to cutting the vegetables and shouting out orders to the other chefs. I quickly went out of the kitchen and grabbed some menus. It wasn't hard to spot the brown coloured hair through the restaurant. He had this kind of aura, that attracted everyone's eyes.

The man was stunning and so handsome. He was dressed in a tightfitting, black suit. Usually he would wear a tie, but not today. The upper three buttons were unbuttoned and he constantly ran his fingers through his hair. Realising I was standing there in a daze, I shook my head and walked up to the table.

The brown haired man seemed a bit uncomfortable, and I quickly understood why. He wasn't alone.

Mr. Byun was known for taking his dates to this restaurant. He was no player, even though he brought a new date every week. It was known that his mother wanted him to marry, and she constantly set him up on dates with different men.

We actually had a bet in the kitchen on how many dates he would bring here before he settled down. My best friend and main chef in the kitchen, Kyungsoo, thought this was hilarious. I didn't particularly like the bet. After seeing Mr. Byun's disappointed face after every date I felt quite sad about his situation.

The man who was todays lucky participant was a tall man. His face was cold yet very handsome. His hair was styled flawlessly and his suit was of no exception.

Approaching their table, I put on my work smile and got their attention straight away.

"Hello, my name is Chanyeol and I will be your waiter for this evening. Can I get you something to drink?" I handed them their menus and waited patiently.

"Ah yeah, two glasses of wine please." Mr.Byun smiled tiredly at me and I nodded.

His date raised his hand and shook his head.

"Scratch that; one beer and only one glass of wine. I can't stand the taste of it." He nearly growled and I could see Mr.Byun's smile fell. He quickly regained it however, and nodded at me.

"I will let you have some time to decide what to eat then." I excused myself.

When I turned around I easily spotted Jongdae's face through the little window from the kitchen. He smiled brightly at me before Kyungsoo smacked his head hard and they both disappeared out of sight. Gosh, those guys.

"Ouch! Why did you do that, moron!" Jongdae complained when I came in. Kyungsoo gave him one of his famous death glares and Jongdae looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Don't forget that I can fire you whenever I want. I want proper staff in my kitchen, not clowns fooling around scaring our customers." Kyungsoo snapped and I patted his back quickly.

"Yah! Calm down Soo."

Kyungsoo took a deep breath before he pointed at Jongdae with a sharp finger.

Jongdae gave him a sweet smile, before he bowed quickly in an apology. Before Kyungsoo could think of anything more to say, he dashed out of the room. You could clearly hear his giggling and I felt Kyungsoo's anger returning. He took a sharp breath before he glared at me.

"Haven't you got some guests to serve?"

I chuckled and went to get some glasses.

"What does it look like I'm doing, Chef?"

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at me and opened up the wine bottle.

"So, how does his date look like?"

"Hm, cold? Handsome like all the other dates, but he seems more like a moron to me compared to the last one."

Kyungsoo nodded and looked at the scoreboard they had put up a couple of months ago.

"Get his name will you? I need it for my board to manage their scores."

"I still think this is a bit mean." I mumbled and poured the drinks.

"It's fun!" Jongdae shoot in and Kyungsoo nodded in deep thought.

Rolling my eyes for the 100th time this day I placed the drinks on a tray before heading out to the now very uncomfortable date.

I could swear Mr.Byun looked relived to see me when I approached them. Handing Mr.Cold his beer before placing Mr.Byun's wine in front of the delicate male, I folded my hands and gave them my signature smile.

"Are you ready to order?"

The night dragged out slowly. Mr.Byun seemed more and more annoyed at his date. The last time I checked up on them, he seemed really frustrated while Mr.Cold didn't seem to notice.

Kyungsoo and Jongdae were no better.

They were both peeking out of the little window, commenting on every move that happened between the awkward couple.

Thank god it was a quiet night and not a lot of customers.

Mr.Byun hadn't even given me a glance when he paid the bill, to busy glaring at the oblivious man seated in front of him.

After thirty minutes or so, the tall man stood up from his seat and motioned Mr.Byun to do the same. Normally he would follow his dates to the exit, part ways with a friendly hug and a pat on the back. Not this time. Mr.Byun shook his head and Mr.Cold gave him an offended look.

I was standing by the exit talking to another waitress when he came marching and bumped my shoulder hard when he passed by. I stumbled back a couple of steps, but quickly gained my balance. Confusion clouded my mind while the other waitress glared after the rood gentleman. Looks wasn't all after all, she thought.

"Go check up on him, Chanyeol." She whispered and motioned to Mr.Byun who was now sitting alone. I nodded. Customers wellbeing was after all the most important thing.

"Ah, Chanyeol. Could you please bring me another glass of wine, and leave the bottle please" he said with a strained smile.

"Are you alright Mr.Byun?" I asked uncertain. This hadn't happened before and I started to get worried about the small man.

"Thank you for asking, Chanyeol. I'm alright, tired that's all." He smiled at me. The smile didn't reach his eyes though and I left before I could upset the man any more.

The night continued and I was getting ready to leave since my shift was over. Before I could put on my black leather jacket, Kyungsoo pulled my arm and dragged me into the kitchen.

"Look at him! Gosh, this is embarrassing, even for me." He groaned and pointed at the brown haired male. My eyes widened.

Mr.Byun was clearly drunk, sitting there singing for himself. He had also found a pen, which he skilfully used to draw on the tablecloth.

Even standing here, I could see that the drawings weren't exactly "family friendly".

Jongdae laughed behind us, amused by the sight of the small man.

"You have to escort him home Chanyeol" Kyungsoo said while following the man with his eyes.

"What? Why me?" shocked I nearly shouted it out.

Kyungsoo only rolled his eyes and gave me a look. I could hear Jongdae giggling behind me, and I discreetly kicked his leg behind me.

"He's a very valued customer! Do you even know how much money we earn every time he eats here? Think of it as a customer's treat. Take him home and I will give you a little bonus, okay?" He replied and the look on his face said that this conversation was clearly over.

I sighed in defeat and looked over at the drunk man again.

He was still so goddamn attractive, even when drooling and eating on a tablecloth.

Shitty Blind Dates (Chanbaek/Baekyeol)Where stories live. Discover now