Chicken and Selfies

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The new guy was hopeless.

Work today had been unnecessary troublesome. Junmyeon had of course given me the job to take care of the new guy. When he didn't break something, he was tripping over anything. And Sehun, the little devil he was, loved to stick his leg out when he walked past him to make sure that he tripped. Poor guy.

"Sehun, please." I said through my teeth and Sehun smirked back. I had sent Yixing to get some new plates, to replace the ones he broke, and to get a word with the devil.

"What? It's fun!"

"No, it's cruel and you know it." I snapped back.

"Do you think he's high?" Sehun asked in wonder, ignoring me completely.

"What the hell Sehun?" I gasped in surprise.

"You can't just say things like that!"

Sehun rolled his eyes at me and I shook my head.

Yixing came back into the kitchen with the new plates and a soft smile on his face. He reminded me of a little, innocent child. I had to admit that his dimple was a bit cute though.  

"Just put them there" I said and pointed to the counter.

Yixing nodded and put them down carefully, and then he stood there just staring into the empty air.

Okay, he looked a bit high if I had to be completely honest...

I sent him off to do some other work that he might not fuck up, while I started to clean up the dishes.

Sehun went off to do his own work and I glanced at the clock with a longing look. Only two hours left of my shift.


Today was my turn to shop and make dinner. Jongin was working late, and since I was getting off earlier, he had convinced me to make us some chicken for dinner.

I stood in the small shop, trying to decide what to choose of ingredients, when I felt someone poking my back.

"Excuse me?"

I turned around in wonder. Kris was standing in front of me, looking kind of ... nervous?

"Hi..." I said, my voice low. This was awkward.

"Hey man. Remember me?" he asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course I remember the guy who punched me in the face." I replied with a straight face.

Kris's eye twitched but he didn't say anything. He gave me a forced smile and I took a small step back. He didn't seem to notice though.

"Well, I have to ask a favour of you." He said and scratched the back of his neck. He looked a bit embarrassed now.

I crossed my arms and motioned for him to continue.

"You know at the restaurant you work at, there's this gu-"

"You want Junmyeon's number?"

His eyes widened and his cheeks were tinted pink.

"N-no!" He waved his arms in panic.

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