Play Dirty

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"What is he doing here?"

Jongdae turned around and looked at the small table in the corner.
I narrowed my eyes suspiciously and Jongdae's eyes widened in surprise.

"Isn't he the one who punched you at the party?"

"No shit Sherlock." I replied short. Jongdae laughed and then just shook his head.

Sehun came into the kitchen, a frown on his face.

"Why is this Kris guy flirting with Junmyeon?" 

"Excuse me?"

Sehun stared at the both of us. He looked worried and very unpleased.

"He wants the restaurant, doesn't he? And he'll use our precious mama to steal it. By stealing his heart first." Sehun whined and flopped his arms around. 

Jongdae giggled loudly and I couldn't help joining him.
He was gasping after air, hitting his thighs with his hands. I could hear him gasp out the word mama and Kris and then he was laying on the floor. I clapped Sehun on his shoulder and wiped away some tears from my eyes.

"Really Sehun?" 

Jongdae laid on the floor, clutching his stomach.
Before I could say anything else he shouted out;

"As if anyone wanted to date The Junmyeon! Can you imagine?"


We all froze, and Jongdae looked terrified at the person behind us, his laughter dying quickly. 

Sehun and I slowly turned around. The tension building up. It seemed like Sehun didn't dare to even breathe.

Junmyeon was standing there, his arms crossed and a deep frown on his face. It wouldn't surprise me if he started to growl.

"So this is what you're doing instead of working? Talking behind my back." He stated and we all looked ashamed down at the floor. 

Jongdae jumped up onto his feet and scratched his head awkwardly. A sly, nervous grin appeared on his face.
Junmyeon only rolled his eyes at us and gave out quick orders of what we had to do. Our boss, or mama as Sehun called him, seemed too tired to fight today. 

We had been short on staff lately, which caused Junmyeon to be taking more shifts than he usually does.

"The new guy is coming tomorrow. I want the kitchen and restaurant to be in perfect condition before you leave today." 

We nodded and Sehun pouted.

"You're not going to spend more time with that rood man, mama?"

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