My mom looked at me in shock.

"Really, are you sure? This is big--"

"Lets just get it over with," I said feeling confident.


I stormed out of the house, not looking back. I pulled out my importer and thought about who to call.

My thoughts could only put together one person, Alvar.

"Hey! Fitz, what's up?" He asked with a smile as his figure appeared on the screen.

"Can-can I stay with you for a couple days?" I asked not meeting his eyes.

"Sure bud, what's wrong?" His happy demeanor changed into a serious one.

"I-I'm not ready to talk about it," I mumbled.


"I'll tell you when I get there," I said, ending the call.


Alvar opened the door for me.

"Where's Mareana?" I asked.

"She's going to get check out by Elwin," Alvar said with a secret smile.

"Why?" I asked.

"That's for us to know and for you to find out along with everyone else," Alvar looked at me, taking my bag.

"So how was your vacation?" I asked.

"It was good, nice to get away after the wedding and all," Alvar shrugs.

"She's pregnant isn't she?" I asked.

Alvar didn't say anything, he just had a smile playing on his lips. I punched him in the shoulder.

"She is, isn't she?" I laughed.

"We don't know yet, but we're hoping," he said quietly.

"This is amazing! You're going to be a," I trailed off.

"What's happened? And don't say nothing. I've got a feeling it's between you and the pops," Alvar said as we plopped onto the couch.

"He's just been," I paused not knowing how to phrase it.

"Overbearing? Controlling? Nosy? Uptight?" Alvar listed.

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Well, I went through a phase like this, believe it or not. The wrong people ended up manipulating me because of it, which I'm sure you know about. You guys just need to wade it out, you can't just scream the feelings. You need to be civil, crazy right?" Alvar joked.

"Yeah! Civil, that's some crazy word," I smiled.

"You can stay here, but don't do what I did. Don't give people that sort of power. You need to let the right people in, not the ones that are convenient."

Before I could answer a smiling red head ran through the door, curls bouncing as she leaped onto the couch next to Alvar.

"We have an addition to the Vacker house hold!" She smiled secretly, hand on stomach.

Then she saw me.

"Um, I mean, we are getting an addition. To the house," She tried to lie.

"An addition to the house? So that's why you're petting your stomach?" I mussed.

She responded by smacking me playfully on the back of the head.

"Shut up! When did you become such a smart alec?"

"Since he was born," Alvar joked, kissing Mareana's hand that was in his.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" I asked.

"Nope!" Mareana said excitedly, popping the p.

"She wants it to be a surprise that way she doesn't have it all planned," Alvar teased.

"No! The best things happen at last minute, like you proposing to me. That was last minute! Same with our first date! There was no planning into that!" She argued.

"There was some planning," Alvar tried to reason.

"Umhm, what was that? Keefe planning it?" She sassed.

My smile faltered.

"Shoot," She muttered. "I'm sorry Fitz. It'll, it'll get better. He's strong, he'll be able to get out of there. He's smart, and they can't cage him for too long."

She gave my hand a squeeze.

"No, it's okay," I said, shaking it off.

Alvar and Mareana looked uncertain.

"So you guys have a room picked out for the baby?"

A/N: Ugh Fitz! Who's just crying for the whole Vacker family??? AND ALVAR IS GOING TO BE A FATHER? *Gasps* WHO SAW THIS COMING????



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