Chapter 8 "Continue..."

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The car jerked and Jack couldn't remember anything. He woke up in pain, he could barely move his arms without accidentally hurting himself. Everything was blurry. Jack could smell gas and blood.

"What the...?" Jack slowly tried to pull himself up, but failed miserably because of the immense pain in his back and legs. Once Jack's vision cleared, he saw Cry's mask on the ground. He picked it up and looked at it, instantly remembering what happened. Jack had remembered being in the car with Mark. They were looking for Ken. Then he saw Cry in the road and then... Cry was hit. Jack looked around, searching for Cry or Mark.

"Cry!" Jack had heard someone yell. That voice was so familiar. It was pretty high, kind of squeaky... also loud like Jack's voice. Jack looked around, trying to find whom the voice belonged to. In the corner of his eye, Jack saw someone running towards the car.

"Are you okay?!" The blue haired boy yelled. Jack forced himself to stand up.

"Oh, my gosh! Jack!" Ethan helped Jack stand up.

"What're you doing here, Ethan?" Jack questioned.

"I was helping someone. His name is Cry. What happened?"

"Cry? I know him..." Jack stated,"Where is he?" Ethan grabbed Jack's arm tightly, pulling him to the other side of the car, which was on its side. Jack kneeled down, looking at Cry. He was bloody and barely moving. Jack turned his head around towards Ethan, who was now next to him, kneeling as well.

"Y-you don't think he's... d-dead, do you?" Jack whispered. Cry slowly pulled himself off the concrete. He covered his face with his hands and turned around.

"I-I'm not... dead. Where's my mask?" He asked simply. Jack gave it to Cry, then Cry put it on and sighed.

"Jack?" Cry asked, his head cocked to the side.

"Yeah," Jack responded with a smile.

"Cry, are you okay?" Ethan asked.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine," Cry lied. Jack stood up.

"Mark was in the car with me... I don't see him. We need to find him." Ethan and Cry didn't ask any questions, they just followed Jack.

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?" Ethan asked Cry quietly. Cry turned his head to Ethan and spoke.

"No, no, no! Don't worry about me! I-I'm fine, I promise." Ethan gave Cry a look of confusion. He looked down at the Cry's bleeding right side, which Cry was holding on to. He wasn't so sure if Cry was telling the truth or not. Ethan joined Jack in front of Cry and walked by his side.

"So... you know Cry?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, he's friends with me and Mark," Jack replied.

"So why are we looking for Mark, again?" Ethan asked, confused.

"Oh, yeah, right..." Jack said with a laugh,"Our friend Ken got kidnapped and Mark later told me that he knew where Ken was. So we got in the car and..." Jack sighed then continued,"he hit Cry and now Mark's gone." Ethan didn't respond. Jack sighed once more and kept walking. It was silent until Jack asked Ethan something.

"Hey, Ethan?" Ethan looked at Jack.


"Did you say you were helping Cry before or after the car crash?" Both Ethan and Cry's faces showed shock, even under Cry's mask.

"Ethan! Th-the dogs!" Cry cried out from behind them. Jack looked around, confused.

"I was helping Cry chase his dogs! They ran off!" Ethan sprinted away with an injured Cry following at the fastest speed he could run in his condition. Jack didn't question, he just followed.

"Dogs?" Jack thought to himself.


Mark went back inside the hotel. He spoke as he opened the door to his room.

"Strangely, there wasn't anyone on the phone." Mark turned off his phone then looked up. Jack was nowhere in sight.

"J-Jack?" Mark looked in the bathroom. He wasn't there either.

"What the heck?!" Mark whisper-screamed to himself. Once he left the bathroom, he saw Chica on the ground between the two beds. He bent down next to Chica and softly pet her head.

"Hey, Chica Peeka!" Mark exclaimed,"Do you know where Jack is?" Chica wagged her tail. Mark sighed, still petting Chica.

"How the heck am I going to find him?! Where even is he?! I have absolutely no one to help me." Mark thought, looking at Chica,"All I have is Chica!" What Mark didn't know was that not all dogs are completely oblivious to what their owners are doing.

"Ken's gone..." Mark said, looking at Chica's tired doggy face.

"Cry's gone..." Mark continued.

"And... now... Jack's gone." Mark instantly jolted up. Chica watched him, wagging her tail slowly.

"Felix!" Mark exclaimed,"I-I can call... Felix."

"I need to call him..." Mark quietly told himself. Chica watched Mark as he got up to get her a leash. Once she realized what was in Mark's hand, she wagged her tail. Mark attached the leash to Chica and went outside. He clicked on the contact and waited. As Mark was waiting, Chica started pulling and whining.

"Chica." Mark said sternly. They could both hear dog barks not too far away. Chica kept pulling. Before Felix could even pick up, the leash slipped out of Mark's hand and Chica ran off at full speed.

"Chica!" Mark yelled, running. He had completely forgot about his phone and Felix. Both his eyes and mind were focused on getting Chica back. Mark couldn't leave anyone else behind. He has almost lost everyone and he definitely wasn't going to let his beloved Chica run away like that, especially in a time like this.

All of the sudden, Mark hit into someone. Before Mark could apologize, he realized who it was. 

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