Chapter 6 "Car Ride"

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The next day, Mark was driving around the street, searching for Ken, along with Jack and Felix.

"So... does anybody know where Cry is?" Mark asked, his eyes on the road. Jack and Pewds were silent.

"Do you think he maybe got kidnapped too?" Jack questioned quietly, looking out the window.

"I'm not sure..." Mark responded. The entire car was silent for a few minutes. Mark sighed.

"We've already tried calling the police... there's not much we can really do anymore." Mark could see Jack's sad face in the car mirror. He faked a comforting smile, then went back to looking out the window. Mark sighed once more.

"I feel so bad... We could've done something about it, but... we were too late and, now, th-there's nothing we can do." As Mark trailed off, it sounded as if he were going to cry.

"Maybe we can try calling him," Felix suggested. Mark's face lit up a little bit.

"Yeah! Do you think you could try?" Mark asked, looking at him in the car mirror. Felix nodded and tried calling Ken. The phone answered.

"H-hello?" A voice spoke. Then the phone hung up.

"What? That's strange."

"What is it?" asked Jack.

"He answered... then just... hung up." The car went awkwardly silent again. A few minutes later, Mark spoke to end the awkwardness.

"So... we know that Ken's somewhere... alive." Jack instantly looked at Mark.

"Of course he's alive! Why wouldn't he be?" Mark sighed.

"But where is he?!" Mark asked aloud, irritated.

"Maybe I could try calling again? I mean, we know that he's somewhere... a-and he has his phone." Both Jack and Mark's attention went to Felix, who was hugging his knees and holding his phone.

"There has to be a reason he hung up." Pewds called Ken once more, but to no avail.

"He won't even pick up now." A few more silent minutes past. Mark was full of anger and losing hope.

"What are we even supposed to do?!" Felix and Jack both were shocked by Mark's tone of voice.

"He's gone and there's nothing we can do about it! What makes us think that-that driving around aimlessly is going to even help at all? And-and where's Cry?!" Jack looked at Pewds, worried. Felix gave the same expression.

"Ah! Dammit! We're never going to find him!" Mark was too busy being anxious and angry, that he wasn't paying attention to the road.

"Mark! The road!" Jack yelled, pointing forward. Mark spun the car around and hit the brakes, causing Jack to fall against Pewds, squishing him towards the left window. Once they were safe and on the road again, Mark let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry," Mark apologized,"I-I overreacted and... I almost got us hurt. God dammit... this is all my fault." Jack and Felix still remained quite in the backseat, nervously.

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