Chapter Thirteen- Not a Good Idea

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Isaac's POV

I was sitting up in my bed, the frame shaking from the trembling emanating from my body. I had just woken up from a particularly bad nightmare and having Scott away didn't help. He was having a sleepover with Stiles.

Apparently Stiles was feeling a little neglected and had demanded his fare share of time with his best friend. Scott had made me promise that I was alright before leaving. Not wanting to worry him I lied and said I was, but little did he know, ever since the court date my nightmares had came back ten times worse.

Now they were always about dad breaking out of prison and finding me. My brain always came up with a different situation, of what he would do to me every time. Sometimes he would beat me and others he would just down right kill me.

I had insisted that Scott slept in his own bed so I wouldn't worry him. The smile on his face in the morning when he thought that I had slept peacefully through the night was worth all the pain and struggling of the night before. Tonight's dream still had me shivering in fear. This time he had tortured me. I had to run my tongue across my teeth remembering all to well how he had used pliers to wrench them out of my gums. I was too spoked to go back to sleep so I just laid there staring at the sealing for the rest of the night.

The next morning I went downstairs once I smelled breakfast. I found Melissa in the kitchen making eggs on the stove. Her back was turned to me so she didn't see me come in. I cleared my through and she jumped slightly. "Good morning Isaac." She said, turning towards me.

If only it was, I thought to myself. "Morning. What are you making?" I asked.

"Eggs, bacon, and pancakes," she replied back.

"Smells good." She smiled at my complement and I sat down at the table. Just then I heard the motor on Scott's bike as he pulled into the driveway.

I heard the door open and close and saw Scott walk in. "Hey mom," he said first, then, "hello Isaac. Miss me?"

I responded quickly, "Of course I did."

He sat down beside me and smiled, "I missed you too," he simply stated.

We all ate breakfast and then Melissa headed to work.

"Did you sleep much last night? You look tired." Scott asked.

"Yeah, I slept fine," I lied but once again.

Scott nodded his head absently,"that's good, that's really good. So what do you want to do today? Anything specific?"

I just shook my head and said, "I don't care."

Scott looked really happy by the statement, "good, because I was going to see if you wanted to meet some of my other friends at a bonfire tonight. We've been planing this since the beginning of summer and now that all of the stuff with your dad is over I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

All of a sudden I started to feel really insecure. I had never really talked to any of Scott's friends, only seen them around. "Umm, I don't know if that's a good idea. What if they don't like me?" I asked Scott.

"Honey," he said, sliding his hand into mine, "they'll love you. You're so nice and considerate. Don't worry you'll fit right in," he reassured me.

"Ok," I whispered timidly. "Thank you," he said and pulled me into a hug, "now why don't we go watch a movie or something to pass the time." I nodded my head in agreement and he pulled me along to the living room. We watch 'Grown Ups' and Scott laughed all the way through it. I on the other hand was too worried about tonight to even pay attention to the movie playing before me. The time passed way too fast and the next thing I knew I was getting dressed and was ready to leave.

We took Scott's motorbike and I held on to him tightly the whole way there. The bonfire was held in the middle of the forest but Scott found the place easily, like he had been there before.

A group of people where just lighting the fire. "Just in time!," a slimmer boy with short hair yelled to Scott.

Scott smiled and whispered, "let's go introduce you to everyone," in my ear. I nodded slightly while Scott led me to the middle of the crowd. "This is Stiles," he motioned to the boy that had just yelled at us, "that's Lydia and Jackson over there," he pointed to the couple. The girl, Lydia was wearing a lot if makeup and Jackson just looked downright annoyed by something she must have said, "and that's Derek, Stiles' boyfriend," he nodded his head in the direction of a tall man. He appears to be a few years older than the rest of us but still looked pretty young. "And that's Allison." He pointed to a brunet girl trying to start the fire. "Everyone, this is Isaac." Scott said loud and proudly.

Everyone greeted him before going back to what they were originally doing. "Well man, I was just about to get out the food but now that you're hear you get to help me." Stiles said then dragged Scott off to an old rusty jeep, while I was left there in the middle of everyone. I awkwardly stood there for a few seconds before

Walking towards the girl named Allison. "Do you need any help with that," I pointed towards the fire.

"Sure, I just need to rearrange the logs before I can light it. You can help with that if you want." I nodded and kneeled on the ground. We started to stack the logs and sticks, then we stood the sticks on the outside up so the middle would meet on a pointed shape. "Nice. Thanks," she said while pouring gasoline over the array of wood. We both stepped back while she lit a match and threw it into the logs. A spark appeared and then it took to a flame. Allison smiled triumphantly and turned and left to rejoin everyone.

I started walking back to the crowd. I saw Scott expressively talking to Stiles, while Derek was arranging the food on the table. I walked to Scott and stood beside him not knowing what else to do. When his conversation with Stiles ended he took my hand and led me to the fire.

We both sat down and he said, "thanks for coming. It really means a lot to me Isaac." I just nodded head and leaned on him. Everyone got there food and all sat around the fire talking to everyone. I ended up getting a hot dog and some potato chips. I went back to the fire and roasted the hotdog while I ate the chips. Once I was done with my food I leaned back on Scott and soon found myself laying on his lap with him still sitting up. I felt my eyelids droop but quickly snapped them back open. I was battling with sleep and was sorely losing, the heat from the fire slowly nulling me to sleep.

The next thing I knew my dad was standing above me in a dark room. "Get up boy," he yelled in a gruff voice. I scurried to my feet as quick as I could. With a sneer on his face he said, "get in." I followed where his finger was pointing and the sight I was met with scarred me to death. The old freezer was sitting there wide open.

"No... no, no, no! Please dad, please no!" I said hysterically. I was shaking my head back and forth when dad grabbed me by the scruff of my shirt and dragged me to the horrid thing.

"Please, please, please don't put me in there! Please!" I pleaded, sobs now escaping me. He threw me in and closed the top. I was beating one the top trying to escape the dark but I was met with no salvation.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I sat up quickly looking around me. But I was no longer in the freezer, not I was back at the bonfire with everyone staring at me. I felt tears of embarrassment run down my checks as I felt Scott's arms around me saying something to get me to calm down. I jerked out of his arms and ran off into the night. I just really needed to be alone right now.

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