Zero Hour.Loss of Ahsoka Tano

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I watched this video and I had quick idea sorry this is short

"Reinforcement arrived." Leia said as Sabine with Mandolorians came and were helping to fight the empire in chopper base

Meanwhile with Ezra

He leaped down as well and the two men continued their fight. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in a display or red and purple, white sparking in every time their blades crashed together. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in intricate patterns and techniques prescribed to their forms. Ezra jumped and attacked Vader showing no mercy as he use form VII on Vader who had to blocked his strikes. Both duelist were launching heavy blows

Ezra ignited his white blade as Ahsoka jumped

"Ezra Run." Ahsoka yelled

"We can take him together." Ezra said 

30 Minute passed bye

"No time just go." Leia said just as they see Ahsoka stabbed by Vader

"NOOOOOOOOOO." Anakin shouted with tears as Ezra rushed at Vader deflecting his attack with major fury as Scarlet with Leia helping their boyfriend with them firing at Vader or Leia fighting alongside him

"Grab her body."Obi-Wan said as Anakin lifted Ahsoka body just as Ezra sliced Vader hands and force pushed him to the wall 

On the ghost

" We are just grateful for your aid in our time of need. I want to return the favor, Hera. Also My mother needs our help." Sabine asked

" Go. But I can't come with you. I have to get our survivors to rebel command." Hera said

" Kanan. Thank you For taking me in. Thank you for risking everything." Kallus said with a smile

 "I would suggest a second hyperspace jump before heading to Yavin. If we want to cover our tracks, we should make it three." Luke said

 "You, Leia Ezra and Sabine really saved the day." Anakin said with a sad smile

"But, Anakin, we lost everything. I understand you feel defeated, but I've learned to see things differently." Ezra said

" There's a future for us, one where we're all free." Anakin said as Obi-Wan entered with a sad look 

"Anakin......... Ahsoka want to speak to you." Obi-Wan said starting to cry as Anakin knew she wasn't going to make it so they entered the room

"Ahsoka." Anakin asked

"M--Master My time is up here." Ahsoka said with a sad smile

"Snips don't please you will be fine." Anakin said trying to hide the truth

"Master it over for me..You have Padme and Your twins." Ahsoka said with a tear

"But." Anakin protest

"Plus you had Ezra." Ahsoka said as Anakin nodded

"Goodbye is always hard...But I learned a trick once I become with the force I will visit you everytime I promise." Ahsoka said as she took her last breath and closed her eyes

"Ahsoka" Anakin asked and when he had no response he started to sob 

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