Lothal Factory Aftermath, Ezra Padawan

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Couple hours passed since Sumar death due to Thrawn

"Sorry, Commander. We're new transfers." Rex said walking away with Anakin and Ezra

"Come on." Ezra said

  "You there. Halt! Come back here!" Commander yelled chasing after them

"This might get messy." Anakin said until the door opened

"You three. Come with me to secure the perimeter." Kallus ordered as Rex Anakin Ezra and Chopper entered the elevator

"Stop them!"  Trooper said before door closed

"Don't move, rebels." Kallus said 

(CHOPPER GRUNTING) as Ezra unleashed a round of lighting making Kallus yell in pain

 "Listen to me.I'm Fulcrum." Kallus said as he yelled in pain as Ezra stopped 

"Yeah, right.You want us to believe that?" Anakin asked

" By the light of Lothal's moons.

"The code phrase." Ezra said as he took his helmet as Kallus widen his eye when he saw Ezra eyes change to white to blue

"He's Fulcrum?"  Rex asked in disbelief

"Your friend Zeb trusted me on the ice moon.I saved Sabine Wren at the fighter academy, and now I'm trying to save you. But you have to trust me." Kallus said


"Your droid trusts me." Kallus pointed out

"Yeah, that's not a good thing." Anakin said

"Fine. You wanna help us so badly? We need to get a signal to our friends." Ezra said

"Then we'll have to move quickly." Kallus said

Minute later Ezra and Anakin with Rex walked away as Kallus smiled as he groaned in pain

Right now Ezra and Anakin with Rex just ran into Commando Unit

"Kallus set us up! Maybe, maybe not." Ezra said as he force pushed them as Scarlet saw Ezra eyes

"Calvin." Scarlet asked but was knocked out As Anakin looked confused

"We'll figure it out later. Now get to cover! Not a whole lot of that around!" Ezra said as he Anakin and Rex with Chooper got into the speeder and ran back to Lothal 

Back to base after couple hours

"Where Ezra." Obi-Wan asked as Anakin was about  to answer they heard lighting and two screams

"HEY GUYS" Ezra shouted as Obi-Wan and Anakin walked towards the scene to see Two Imperial Commando

"JEDI" Pakura shouted in disbelief as she see and widen her eyes

"I thought the empire wipe them all." Scarlet said in disbelief

"Not all of them." Ezra said as Scarlet looked at Ezra 

"If we known Jedi were in this base we would have not come here." Scarlet said with a blush as Ezra smirked as he knew Leia didn't care if he date any more girls

"Your fighting on the wrong side." Ezra said as Pakura snarled

"The Empire is the good side." Pakura yelled as Scarlet stare at Ezra eyes 

"Really if they are good and why did they tried to wipe out Jedi Younglings." A young man voice said as the group turned to see Mace Windu with several young Jedi Knight as Scarlet widen her eyes seeing the second woman as Pakura widen her eyes seeing the young male

"ALISHA" Scarlet said disbelief

"Gabe." Pakura asked in disbelief as the two Jedi Knight gave them a glare

"Hello Sister's" Both replied with disappointment

"I will leave you guys here." Ezra said as Obi-Wan remembered something

"Ummm Ezra.... Sarah is in medical bay due to a stab but she alive." Obi-Wan said nervious as Ezra turned widen his eyes

"HOW." Ezra asked but before Obi-Wan could answer a young man approached his lightsaber activated

"That why." Obi-Wan said

"Well what do we have here." Starkiller asked as he smirked as Ezra smirked back 

"Starkiller should I say." Ezra said as Starkiller nodded as he attacked Ezra but Ezra who way powerful manage to just defeat Starkiller in seconds

"Vader will not be always your master." Ezra said

"I WILL NOT BETRAY MY MASTER." Starkiller said as he started to glare at Ezra

"Really then why does he want me." Ezra said as Starkiller was silent

"You were right." Starkiller said as Rebel Trooper approached

"STOP." Ezra ordered as they stopped

"I can teach you." Ezra said as Starkiller looked up

"How can I trust you." Starkiller said 

"For a Boy strong in the force either a parent was a Jedi or was select and I could feel you had a parent who was A Jedi. Tell me what your name."

"Galen Marek." Galen said as Anakin widen his eyes

"Kento." Obi-Wan said as Galen nodded

"I am sorry for you father death." Anakin said as Galen widen his eye as he saw a chance to be like his father

"Thank you  for giving me a chance." Galen said smiling as Ezra was about to respond

"You have failed me for the last time." Vader said as he approached as Ezra ignited his lightsaber

"WAIT" Galen said as he stopped his master

"I am not a slave." Galen said as Proxy changed to his true form

"That why it hurt me when being him." Proxy said as Leia apporached smirking as she held a female officer of an imperial pilot

"LET ME GO." Pilot yelled 

"I don't even want to know." Ezra said as he walked towards the girl knocking her out

"That was Juno." Galen said as he snickered when Leia hugged Ezra

"I missed you." Leia said

"I missed you too." Ezra said smiling as he see hope to defeat the empire

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