Rescuing Kanan.

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Ezra and Leia were at meeting trying to find Kanan since he knew that Kanan is needed now back in the rebellion

"Princess Lucia Organa." Ezra said with a bow as Lucia blushed as Leia smirked

"I have intel he on Naboo. " Lucia said smiling as Ezra nodded 

"Good Leia and I will lead a strike force." Ezra said as Lucia nodded

"may the force be with you." Lucia said smiling as the hologram disappeared 

"You should have Galen join us." Leia said as Ezra smirked walking towards the panel of door

"He's already briefed on the mission. Plus we have one more joining us" Ezra said hitting the door button as Galen and Sarah felled

"Hey! Master she did say this was Jedi business." Galen said as Ezra rolled his eyes as Leia giggled

"Please let us come." Sarah begged as Ezra sighed

"Fine but you follow my orders." Ezra said as Sarah smiled

Couple hours passed as Ezra found Kanan cell opening it as he entered with Sarah and Galen behind as Leia stood on guard

"Master." Sarah asked as Kanan groaned

"It good to hear you." Kanan said as Ezra freed him

"Vader." Kanan said pointing to the camera

"SHIT WE GOT TO GO." Sarah yelled as she helped Kanan up as they were about to leave a breathing sound was heard 

"GOOO TO THE SHIP." Ezra said igniting his Lightsaber

Leia stared at Ezra before helping Kanan to the ship 

"We have to go back for him." Kanan said just as Galen stared at Ezra fighting with Vader

He leaped down as well and the two men continued their fight. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in a display or red and purple, white sparking in every time their blades crashed together. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in intricate patterns and techniques prescribed to their forms. Ezra jumped and attacked Vader showing no mercy as he use form VII on Vader who had to blocked his strikes. Both duelist were launching heavy blows. Ezra jumped hitting Vader Mask as it was sliced in half

"Ezra please let me help you." Vader said as he tried to manipulate Ezra

"I will never fall." Ezra said raising his blade as Vader scowled

"I am done being nice if you won't join me then I WILL FORCE YOU." Vader said raising his blade

"Try it Vader." Ezra said growling as he charged at Vader lightsaber clashing before he force pushed Vader running towards the ship getting in it

"LEIA GET US OUT OF HERE." Ezra shouted as Leia smirked 

Vader watched with silence seeing the ship leave

Back with Ezra

"So are you going to ask Scarlet out master." Galen said with a smirk

"Maybe." Ezra said smiling 

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