Training Padowan Galen Marek

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Ezra is currently meditating in his shared room on the ghost, it's been several days since the escape on the Lothal weapons factory, yesterday after the mission he's been getting very disturbing shifts in the force, but not in the dark sides favor, nor the lights ether....just plain chaos, chaos incarnate, as Ezra is meditating in his room, his friends and girlfriend have been getting concerned for him, he's been changing, he's becoming silent, emotionless and cold, during the Lothal infiltration, he watched Mr.Suma die but he demonstrated little remorse or sadness at the sight just...emptiness, as Ezra is meditating the Sith Holocron is opened and hovering infront of him, giving more secrets to Ezra, after a while, the doors to the shared room opens and Ezra's new apprentice had walked into the room, he stands at attention and said "master! I have come" Ezra said to his young apprentice in a monotone voice "sit down Galen, I will recite you the gray Jedi code, when I speak this code, take it to your heart, for you now are a gray Jedi..." Galen walks infront of Ezra and he sat infront of him in a meditated fashion, waiting for his master to speak "Flowing through all, there is balance. There is no peace without a passion to create. There is no passion without peace to guide. Knowledge stagnates without the strength to act. Power blinds without the serenity to see. There is freedom in life. There is purpose in death. The Force is all things and I am the Force" Ezra had said to Galen, galen had nodded at his master and he said "so we do good for the galaxy by using the teachings of the darkside?" "Essentially" Galen takes his thumb and index finger and placed them on his chin, he began thinking for some time and he said to his wise master "what if we get corrupted?" "You won't my foolish padowan, because being a gray Jedi, means that the rules of both, the Jedi and Sith doesn't apply to you, you can do what you wish but you must put the safety of others your #1 priority understood?" Galen saluted to Ezra and he replied back "yes, my master..." "Good, now do you see the Sith Holocron that's infront of us?" "Yes my master" "good, now tap into its knowledge, seek the power you desire, gain the knowledge you wish to know, because in the next few days, I have foreseen that the Sith Holocron will be destroyed" oh yeah, Ezra also gained the power to foresee, certain events in the feature, Galen nodded at his master and he began tapping into the forbidden knowledge of the Sith Holocron, Ezra stared at Galen with his gray white eyes, which turned back from his blue eyes, since he used the Sith Holocron again and Ezra believe that the eye change is permanent, anyway, Ezra stared at his padowan with a smile on his face, feeling pride in Galen

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