Meeting the ghost crew

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-Ezra's pov-

It's been 12 years after I met with master Skywalker, he's been very nice, nice enough that he'd trained me himself along with Luke, but padme decided to take Luke and Leia off planet heading towards tatooine for some R&R, I'm currently in my room getting my usual orange jumpsuit on, i then hidden my lightsaber into my sleeve so the bucket heads wouldn't know that I'm a Jedi like my master, as I'm getting my stuff together because I'm stealing food today to help some of the refugees on Lothal, I walked out of my room placing my BC-25 clone pistol into the holder, that's strapped to my right leg, as I walked into the living room I see an old man Rex watching Lothal news and master Skywalker in the kitchen cooking for old man Rex, I smiled and I sat next to Rex and said "hey Rex, you sure you don't want to retire your youth?" He laughed really hard and he replied back to me with Lothals biggest smile "Nonsense! I feel as young as ever!" We both laughed at his comment, even master Skywalker cracked a smile, after a bit of laughing he spoke up to me "hey Ezra, any special plans for today?" "Yes master, I'm going to steal food from the bucket heads then give it to the refugees 30 miles from north of here" Anakin smiled at me and he nodded and he said to me "have fun, and try not to get caught" "I never get caught" Rex and Anakin said at the same time "That's never true" I groaned at both of them and I said "you both are sore losers..." Rex chuckled and he patted my shoulder "we know kid, you say that everyday in the last 6 years" we all laughed at his comment, after a while laughing, I get to my feet and I said "alright I'm heading out, you guys better not have a party while I'm gone" Anakin lied back to me "what? No, never, we would never have a party with out you Ezra" "not convincing master" I smiled as I left the house leaving the two clone veterans worried

-pov change to Rex-

I stared at Ezra as he left and I spoke up to the general "that was close" he also was staring at Ezra as he left, Anakin replied back to me with a worried voice "do you think he knows that we planning a party for his birthday?" I replied to his question "I don't know, that kid is more sly and clever then we know" he nodded and he pulls out his space phone and said "I'm gonna call padme, and tell her what to do for Ezra's birthday" "you do that general, I'm going to continue watching lethal news....the only news station on Lothal"

-pov change back to Ezra-

I'm currently walking around the closest city, looking for food crates, as I'm walking around I notice a squad of stormtroopers running towards somewhere so I decided to follow them, after a while of walking/following, I see that the stormtroopers are shooting at a group, one of them is a human male with a hairy chin, the other is a colorful Mandolorion and the last is a Lasat, they were taking cover behind several crates shooting at the stormtroopers, but the stormtroopers were also behind several crates taking cover, it was a standoff between gunslingers, I huffed slightly and I walked behind the group of rebels and I spoke up that scared them "are you guys brainless?" They all screamed scaredly, the human male turned around and attempted to hit me with a right hook but he stops as his fist made contact with my cheek, he relieazed that my fist is under his chin, in a uppercut fashion, his eyes were widened at me and he said to me "who...who are you?" I replied back to him "a friend" as we are in our current bodily position as blaster bolts zoomed past us, the Lasat yelled out at us "GET TO COVER YOU MORONS!!!!" This snapped the male out of his trance and he drops to the ground while I stayed standing up, I then said to him "are you guys serious? Do you guys not see the way out of this mess?" The colorful Mandolorion snapped at me "do you got an idea kid?" I growled at her that made her flinch "don't. Call. Me. Kid and yeah I do have an idea" I got onto the crates that the rebels are taking cover behind, I grabbed my pistol and I shot it into a string, the said string snapped instantly and a bunch of barrels drops onto the squad of stormtroopers knocking them out instantly, the rebels looked at me shocked at my actions and the rebel human male said "what's you name?" I turned my head to me with a grin on my face "names Ezra Bridger, and as I said, I'm a friend" the rebels gets out of there cover and they introduced them selves "I'm Kanon Jarris, nice to meet you Ezra" the human male introduced himself "names Zeb, great to meet ya kid" the Lasat introduced himself "names Sabine wren" the colorful Mandolorion introduced herself, *Wren?* I thought to myself and I asked Sabine a question "is wren a clan within house Visla?" Her eyes widened at me, not knowing how I knew this and she nodded at me, unsure what to say to me, Kanon chuckled lightly and he said to me "you said you were a friend, are you willing to help us bring food to some refugees?" I grinned at him and I gave a thumbs up "I was gonna do that before I even met you guys" they all smiled at me, the rebels began picking up crates and starts to leave, I grabbed a crate and followed them and we talked, Kanon asked me a question "so Ezra, why are you here? Considering your youth, you wouldn't bothered yourself with the rebels, so why did you save us?" I replied back to him "I don't like seeing people die for helping others, but I have no problem decapitating stormtroopers" Kanon starts sweating at my answer and decided not to ask anymore questions just to avoid my darken answers, a showtune is heard in my pants, indicating that someone is calling me, I put down the crate as the rebels stopped just to wait for me, I take my phone, answering it and putting it on speaker phone, Rex's voice comes through the phone "hey kid it's me, we have a problem" "whatcha need Rexy?" Rex chuckled through the phone and he continued talking "a group of wookies are fighting against the empire, but there outnumbered and out gunned, save them Ezra, be the hero the Galaxy needs" "will do Rex, just text me there location" "sure thing kid" the phone cuts off and I heard Kanon said "we're coming too Ezra, we gonna need to help those wookies" I smiled and nodded at the young male, the phone vibrates indicating that Rex sent me the location, I looked at my phone and I turned to the rebels "let's go, you have a ship I can use?" Sabine answered my question "yeah we do" Kanon and Sabine dropped there crates but Zeb kept his because they still have a mission

-time skip to the wookie worker camp-

The phantom flies over the camp, getting an image of what's happening down there, we see a bunch of wookies in collars shooting at the stormtroopers I believe there is about twelve adult wookies, with stolen blasters, they are also behind cover that are boulders, I get out of the seat walking over to the now open ramp of the phantom, Kanon watched me and he said "Hey! What are you doing?!" I turned my head to him and grinned while I said "helping these wookies" I stepped out of the phantom into the open air, Kanon and Sabine ran to the ramp to watch me gliding over to the wookies, after a while of flying, I landed on my feet infront of the wookies, confusing and shocking both sides, the wookies pointed there blasters at me but I raised my hand to them and I said to them in the wookie language "I'm here to help" the wookies roared in delight and they pointed there blasters back at the stormtroopers and began shooting, red blasterblots flies past me towards the stormtroopers, killing some of them, as this is happening Kanon, Zeb and Sabine rushed to the war zone and they took cover with the wookies, Kanon growled out slightly as reinforcements arrived from the empire, Kanon gets up, grabbing a strange metal poll, he then puts something on top of it, he then ignited a blue blade, indicating that he's a Jedi, he runs up to me and he yells out at me "Ezra! Get behind me!" I giggled at him which confused him greatly and I said "why do you have the wimpy blue?" He raised an eyebrow as he assumed his preferred saber form blocking blaster bolts, sending said bolts at the stormtroopers and he said to me "what are you talking about Ezra?" I said to him which confused him even more "your not the only one concealing a secret" and what happens next shocked him and his friends very greatly, a lightsaber flies downwards out of my sleeve and I caught it in my right hand, ignited the purple blade, shocking everyone, the rebels, wookies and the stormtroopers----TOO BE CONTINUED

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