Ghost Grey Jedi. Master Yoda Return.

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"I've been called a traitor for speaking out against a corrupt Galactic Senate, a Senate manipulated by the sinister tactics of the Emperor. For too long, I've watched the heavy hand of the Empire strangle our liberties, stifling our freedoms in the name of ensuring our safety. No longer. Despite Imperial threats, despite the Emperor himself, I have no fear as I take new action.For I am not alone.Beginning today, we stand together as allies. I hereby resign from the Senate to fight for you.Not from the distant halls of politics, but from the front lines. We will not rest until we bring an end to the Empire, until we restore our Republic. Are you with me?" Mon Mothma said looking outside of the ship

" Look! They came." Leia said pointing out

"Look how many there are." Ezra said amazed at the total ship

"This, my friends, this is our rebellion." Mothma said smiling 

Couple hours passed as Ezra was in his share room with Leia who was sleeping on the top bed

"Where am I." Ezra asked

"Go to Dagobha you must." A voice said

"Why?" Ezra asked 

"An ally I am." Voice said

Ezra eyes open as he looked around feeling the force

"Ezzy." Leia asked sensing Ezra disturbance 

"It fine go to sleep." Ezra said as Leia just sighed and got out of her bed kissing Ezra as she grabs her lightsaber  

"Ezra I know you so where are we heading to." Leia asked

"Dagoba." Ezra answered as both left their room silently as they walked to Phantom and once inside they were about to detach until someone saw them

"Where are you two going." A voice asked as Ezra and Leia turned startled to see Anakin looking confused

"I am heading to find an ally." Ezra said as Anakin sighed and entered the ship

"Could be a trap." Anakin said as Ezra sighed

"Are you going to join us." Leia asked as Anakin nodded as he walked towards the pilot seat as Ezra and Leia sat

"Hold on tight." Anakin said smirking as he detach quickly waking the other up before they know it was the phantom

"DID YOU REALLY HAD TO DO THAT FATHER." Leia shouted as she was being held by Ezra who caught her from falling

"Yes." Anakin said smiling as Leia groaned  as she laid on Ezra leg going to sleep as Ezra closed his eyes

In Ezra dream 

"Now where am I." Ezra asked

"Your here with me." A voice said as Ezra turned to see Ashura Skywalker the founder of the Gray Jedi code

"Ashura" Ezra said surprised

"We meet at last it is you destiny to defeat the mother." Ashura said

"But how." Ezra asked as Ashura sighed

"Years ago, the father asked me for my help to prison her. I agreed to help him so me and my friend Revan were sent to deal with her but for some reason I defeated her with the force and could have killed her. But the father didn't let me so we imprison her. Now that she is free the task falls into you." Ashura said

"With what do I kill the mother" Ezra asked

"My white lightsaber it has a power that could kill the mother and only the pure and powerful Gray Jedi could wield it." Ashura said

"So that means..." Ezra trailed as Ashura smiles

"Yes you have been chosen by the force to finish what I should have finished long ago." Ashura said

"Where do I start." Ezra asked

"That is your destiny I cannot help you. Now goodbye." Ashura said smiling as Ezra was woken up

"Ezra." Anakin asked as Leia looked at him curious

"I spoke with Ashura Skywalker." Ezra said as Anakin widen his eyes at the name

"I will explain later right now let find this ally." Ezra said 

"Search you do that." A voice said as Anakin widen his eye as he bowed as a green creature approached them 

"Master Yoda." Anakin said as Ezra and Leia looked at Yoda

"Greeting Jedi Knight Ezra Bridger." Yoda said

"Master Yoda." Ezra said with a bow

"The time for me to leave exile has come." Yoda said

"Well Master we are ready." Anakin said smiling as Yoda walked with them

"Indeed let go." Yoda said

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