Holocorn of Fate.

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Maul was smirking as he felt Leia with the force

"LET HER GO." Ezra shouted 

"Give me what I want." Maul said as he was tackled by Galen as he dropped Leia and stabbed Galen

"Galen." Ezra said in fear as he sensed Galen still alive

"You will Pay." Ezra said as Maul smirked

Maul then in a fast movement he was inches away from Ezra. He quickly blocked the incoming attack and positioned himself in a Soresu defensive stance much like he did with the inquisitor before blocking an unexpected strong wave of attacks. Ezra even struggled to keep up with Maul and found it hard to block all of his attacks. But Ezra was able to figure out that he used Juyo, just like him. Maul indicated a blade lock with Ezra "ah, I see you are using Soresu to buy yourself time to understand how I fight. Very clever" Maul said as Ezra flipped backwards and started to go on the offensive towards Mauls. Testing his skills in defense, giving Maul quick sharp jabs tests Mauls speed trying to find a weakness he can exploited.

But Ezra did not expect for Maul to deliver a devastating kick to Ezra's stomach forcing him to stagger but lucky for him, he was fast enough to dodge Maul's quick slash but not fast enough to save his weapon as Maul's attack sliced the saber in his right hand. Ezra flipped backwards a couple of feet away from Maul and looked in his hand to see half of his Saber, he simply dropped it to the ground and put a smile on his face. He lost a weapon but he found Maul's weakness. Ezra and Maul started to circle each other walking around the sides of the hall. Ezra's eye's drifted to Maul's feet and moved his hand to his stomach pushing back the pain of at least a broken rib. But he realized that Maul's couldn't have hurt him that badly with a kick at that short of a distance, at least not naturally. Ezra closed his eye's as he walked and reached out with the force, and just listened as Maul walked opposite him. Ezra smiled as he heard a metallic click as his feet hit the ground.

That's his weakness, his legs. Ezra opened his eye's and put his Saber in his right hand. Maul stopped walking as he looked at Ezra up and down. He narrowed his eye's at him, he knew that Ezra had thought of something. Ezra quickly charged at Maul and Maul quickly blocked but Ezra slid himself under Mauls arm and lifted his unarmed hand to the back of Mauls legs and let out a wave of lighting.

Maul growled in pain as Ezra quickly sliced Maul head off

Obi-Wan looked at Maul dead corpse

"Stay dead now." Obi-Wan said

Meanwhile with Luke and Sarah

" Commander Sato, allow me to present Lieutenants Wedge Antilles and Hobbie.
Formerly of the Galactic Empire." Sarah said

"Commander, we heard you're looking for some good pilots." Wedge said

"Indeed, we are. Welcome to the Rebellion." Sato said

Meanwhile in a dark room

"Lord Vader." Sidious said glaring at Vader

"Yes Master." Vader said

"The time has come if we can't find Ezra Bridger then we will bring him to us." Sidious said

"How." Vader asked as Sidious revealed something

"It can't be she was executed." Vader said seeing Jedi Knight Mira Bridger 

"She wasn't I kept her incase if we need a bate." Sidious said

It's desperate, that kiss, and it burns through her with its hunger. At first she just holds on, passively letting him take the lead, parting her lips beneath his in invitation. Ezra's tongue brushes hers and her knees go weak. He kisses her like he's been holding it back for far too long. One of his hands leaves her waist to cradle her head, his fingers sliding into her hair against her scalp, sparking new shivers down her spine.

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