A creature that both inhabits the light and the dark

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One year had pass since the Sith incident, Ezra had been changing since then, he's been secretive, he always stays alone, and he rarely talks but during his dreams his mind is being filled with dark ideas by vaders voice, Ezra needed help and fast, cuz he can feel his mind changing but no body he knows can help him, Ezra is meditating in his shared room, he feels a whisper by a creature 'I can feel you~......come to me.' Ezra shook his head as is heard something crazy, he continued to meditated but he heard the same whisper 'your suffering...I can help you' Ezra shook off the voice again, knowing there's no one that can save him from himself, Ezra gets out of his meditation and he walks over to a mirror that he got from Rex for his birthday, when he looked into the mirror, he saw himself with the angriest expression, Ezra gasped in surprise and he fell backwards onto the floor, Ezra gets up slightly as he looked into the mirror again but it's himself, a shocked and worried expression who is on the ground, Ezra gets onto his feet, and he breath a sigh of relief, last year, during the Vader incident, he accidentally made a connection to the dark side, a connection in which he cannot break, so Ezra had been mediating for the past year, he even refuses to attend Jedi training, blaster training, Y-Wing training or even spend time with his girlfriend, plus he only uses the restroom when he needs to go and he eats when he is hungry, other then that, he stays in his shared room and meditates in the corner, as Ezra is back to meditating in the corner, Zeb walks into the room and he looks at Ezra with sadden eyes and he said to the confused Jedi "hey kid, it's dinner time, you should go eat..." Ezra replied back to the Lasat "I'll eat when I'm hungry..." Zeb frowns at Ezra but he leaves the room, Ezra continues to mediate and the voice returned 'come to me, on Lithim' Ezra replies back to the voice through the force 'why Lithim?' The voice didn't answer for a moment and it spoke again 'that is where the living force has been discovered in the earliest Galactic history, some to me~" the voice fades away from Ezra's mind, Ezra tries to get more answers from the voice but he doesn't get any replys but the strange suggestion to go to the place where he found his lightsaber Crystal,

During the time where Ezra is having the strange chat with the mysterious voice, the ghost crew and everyone else is in the common room with a plate of Ezra's fav food on the table, Leia, Padme, Sarah, Hera and Sabine are in the kitchen trying to think of ways to get Ezra to come out of his shared room, while Obiwan is meditating in the corner with Luke beside him Zeb is sitting down so he can think some things through, Kanon is also sitting in a corner, trying to break Ezra's connection to the force, but to no results, and Anakin who strangely is unaffected by what's happening, he's spreading jelly on a piece of toast, Anakin had two new robotic hands since his fight against Vader, obiwans right eye twitched at his idiotic brother while the woman just stared at him, annoyed by his careless attitude, Obiwan then said to Anakin "Anakin, shouldn't you be worried about the state of your padowan?" Anakin chuckled lightly a she took a bite of his toast and he replied back to Obiwan "this happened before master, let Ezra have some space and he can figure out the solution to his problem" but before Obiwan could counter anakins logic the doors to the common room opened and very tired looking young Jedi walks through the doors heading towards the other set of doors that leads to the bridge, Anakin stared at Obiwan with a knowing smirk, Obiwan just glared at his brother and he turned to Ezra who suddenly was gone from the room, Leia was about to run out of the common room to run after Ezra but the ship starts suddenly shaking foci g everyone to hit the ground, Kanon the yelled out "AARE WE UNDER ATTACK!?!?" Hera gets to her feet and she growled out "no, Ezra is taking the ghost somewhere..." Everyone starts running towards the bridge, when they get to the bridge, they see Ezra flying the ghost through hyper space, Hera yelled at Ezra "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?!?" But Ezra didn't reply as he used the force, closing and locking the door to the bridge, Anakin walks up to the angry mob standing outside the bridge and he said that made everyone calm down "calm down everyone, Ezra's going somewhere that he will try to break his connection"

-time skip to Lithim-

It's Been several hours since Ezra he taken control over the ghost, from what Anakin said to the crew, is that we're heading to Lithim, the ghost landed on the snowy planet and Ezra walks out of the ghost wearing only boots and his usual orange jumpsuit, everyone gets out of the ghost wearing snow gear, trying to follow the dazed young Jedi, after a while since following Ezra he walks into a rocky clearing seeing only a mass of white fur and slightly gray/white rocks in the middle of the clearing, Ezra yelled out in the clearing "I KNOW YOU ARE HERE, SHOW YOUR SELF!!!" Kanon shook his head at the dazed padowan, Anakin and Leia began walking towards Ezra but they stopped seeing the pile of rubble starting to move and shifting to what seems like a humanoid Ox like creature, the creature turns around and he stares down Ezra with his pale grey eyes and it said in a loud and slightly happy voice "Ah! You have found me! That's good!"

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