Spark of Rebellion,Rise of Old Master, Ezra Birthday.

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Everyone looked shocked at Ezra 

"All troopers, focus your fire on on the Jedi." Kallus said as every Stormtrooper pointed their blaster at Ezra and Kanan

"Go! We will hold them." Ezra said deflecting shots killing two trooper

"We." Sabine asked until everyone heard another ship as Anakin jumped out his lightsaber ignited 

"Ezra how many times have I told you wait for me" Anakin said with a smirk as Kallus feared seeing another Jedi

"MASTER SKYWALKER" Kanan said shocked as Anakin looked at Kanan

"Caleb." Anakin said surprised 


"RIGHT." Anakin and Kanan said 

Ezra and Anakin rushed at The stormtrooper killing everybody except for Kallus 

"It over Jedi. A Master and apperantice. A rare find these days" Kallus said smirking

"Dumbass it two Jedi vs you." Ezra said force pushing Kallus

"Hey Jumped." Kanan shouted as Anakin and Ezra jumped

After that the Wookie left on their ship

"Master Skywalker how did you survive." Kanan asked as Anakin sighed

"I saved the younglings and escaped with my wife. We gave the  younglings to Master Windu to train." Anakin said as Kanan brought out a holocorn showing the message

This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place.
This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: Trust in the Force.
Do not return to the Temple.
That time has passed, and our future is uncertain.
We will each be challenged our trust, our faith, our friendships.
But we must persevere, and in time, a new hope will emerge.
May the Force be with you always.

"Obi-Wan." Anakin said surprised that he was still alive

"I don't know the location." Kanan said sadly as Anakin looked down

Now in a Imperial Cruiser

"Excuse the intrusion, Inquisitor. But in the course of my duties, I have encountered a rebel cell.The leader of that cell made good use of a lightsaber. With two more Jedi." Kallus said as Inquisitor smirked

"Ah, Agent Kallus. You did well to call." Inquisitor said 

After that day Anakin and Ezra helped the crew destroyed the Disruptors. Right now Ezra was with Kanan going to rescue Jedi Master unknown it was a trap

"Master? What happened to her? I don't understand." Kanan said shocked

"No? It doesn't seem complicated." A voice said as Ezra turned

"I am the Inquisitor. Welcome to your doom." Inquisitor said 

"What happened to her" Kanan asked

"Yes, I'm afraid Master Luminara died with the Republic. But her bones continue to serve the Empire luring the last Jedi to their ends." Inquisitor said as Kanan ignited his blade 

"Spectre-3, come in. It's a trap!" Ezra said in his comlink

"There will be no reinforcements." Inquisitor said as Kanan and Inquisitor starting to fight

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