Returning to Lothal, Infiltrating the weapons factory

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It's been several weeks since the malacore incident, during those few weeks, he found out at Sarah had been using the Holocron, Ezra was disgusted that someone like her would be so easily tempted to the Darkside, he had been tempted by lies but not the temptation of forbidden knowledge, so he confiscated the Holocron from the young Jedi Padowan, dispite Sarah's complaints that she can use the ancient Sith secrets to break Kanon out of the empire, but he told her that she's incapable of being a gray Jedi, that her power will corrupt her, she got angry and attempted to hit Ezra but he blocked her attack and he leg sweep her legs, sending her to the ground crying, Ezra walks out of the room, not caring about her state, also what happened during the past few weeks, a small imperial commando squad had been attacking rebel bases of varies of planets all across the galaxy, this had concerned everyone on chopper base but they decided not to act, until this so called commando squad, finds chopper base.

Now going back to the present, Ezra is currently in his room with an opened Sith Holocron, hovering right infront of him, letting him learning the Sith secrets and knowledge, now he's capable of doing two ancient Sith force techniques that had been lost in time, the Force Drain, a move that allows Ezra to convert his force lighting to drain the life energy out of his victims, letting him become more powerful, and the other is mind domination, this allows Ezra to use the force to break the mind of any of his victims, forcing them to do what he wished, these two techniques will come in very handy to Ezra, since he has no restraints when he uses the force, as Ezra is meditating to the Sith Holocron, Obiwan entered his shared room and he spoke up "Ezra" ezra grunted at Obiwan, not bothering to use words for a greeting "you, Anakin and Rex are heading to Lothal to infiltrate the Lothal weapons factory" ezra replied back to Obiwan "alright but keep an eye on Sarah, I sensed that the force is shifting inside her" Obiwan nods at Ezra and he said "you felt it too, I was getting worried that her emotions are running wild, but it slowed down after you took the Sith Holocron but it didn't stop, she's getting angrier, trying to convince everyone to break Kanon out of the empires grip" "don't listen to her, we will get him out with time until then, we shouldn't be wasting alliance resources for failing missions..." Obiwan nodded at Ezra's logic and he replied back "I'll keep an eye on her, but you should really be going young Bridger" the Sith Holocron closes and it slowly lands on the ground, Ezra picks up the Holocron as he got onto his feet, putting it in his special place he likes to keep things smuggled onto his body, he turned to Obiwan with gray white eyes, replaced his electric blue eyes, Obiwan wasn't surprised at the change, the bendus always possessed gray eyes to signify there connection to both sides of the force, Ezra walks out of his room, going to the phantom, after a while with Ezra chilling in the phantom, Rex and Anakin entered the small ship and sat in the Vacent seats, Anakin turned to Ezra's gray eyes and he said "did Obiwan, tell you about the mission?" Ezra nodded at his master and replied "yeah, I have a few friends on Lothal we can ask for help, rider and Mr.Suma, I heard both of them are in the local resistance on Lothal" Anakin smiled slightly as the ship departs from the ghost, leaving chopper base, and anakin said "how close were they to you" "rider comes and goes but Mr.Suma, he gave me food and water during my time on the streets before I had met you master" Anakin nodded at his Bendu Padowan, and he began pressing the buttons on the pad and the phantom went into hyperspace

-time skip to Lothal--night time over the sunny planet-

It's currently nighttime over the planet called Lothal, three figures are crouching above the shop called subway, Anakin is looking through some binoculars with old man Rex while Ezra just stared at there direction like he can see what there seeing, which he does, Ezra's force sensitivity had grown immensely, so powerful that he can see objects and people through solid walls, Anakin spoke up to his companions "guys I see rider" Ezra replied back to his master "I see him too.." "So can I general" Anakin moved his head up and he sees rider being chased by a imperial patrol, two speeder bikes, Anakin puts away his binoculars and he motioned to his team "get ready to jump!" Rex puts away his binoculars and he nodded while Ezra just stood there, like he's on a different area except his flesh and bones are right there, Anakin jumped along with Rex, Ezra also jumped with them, chopper used his rocket pack and they landed in riders vehicle, chopper lands in riders Vacent seat while the other three hanged on the back, the vehicle starts speeding out of the city with the two speeder bikes we following them, the scout troopers are shooting at rider and his vehicle but Rex pulled out his blaster pistols, he starts shooting back at the imperial bikers, Anakin grabs his lightsaber and ignited his blue blade, while Ezra did the same but it's a purple blade, they began deflecting the blaster bolts, Anakin yelled out as he deflected two blaster bolts "WE CANT OUT RUN THESE GUYS!!!" Rider replied back to the Jedi master in a calm tone "it's alright we just need to get them up to 190" Rex continues his shooting at the enemy and he yelled out "DOES THIS THING GO UP TO ONE 190!?" "SOMETIMES, THUNK FAST THOUGHTS" rider replied back to the old clone, Ezra said to his old friend in a calm tone "thinking fast thoughts has no factor in physical activity, nor quantum physics, true thinking fast thoughts increase the nervous process in the brain, increasing the train of thought but even that doesn't contribute in the physical plane" everyone stared at Ezra with widened eyes, except rider cuz he's driving but he's eyes are wide as fuck and he said to the bendu padowan ".....what the hell Ezra?" Ezra shrugged his shoulders as he deflected a blaster bolt into one of the scout troopers, killing him, after the vehicles got up to 190 the speeder bike began to glow orange and it exploded, killing the scout trooper, Rex and Anakin sat on the car while Ezra stared at the exploded bike from afar, Anakin turned to the driver and he said with relief in his voice "hey thanks for the rescue" rider raised up one of his hands and he said back to the Jedi master "it's no problem master Jedi, names rider by the way" Anakin nodded at him and he introduced himself "names Anakin Skywalker, the guy in the blue paint job armor is Rex and they weird kid is Ezra" rider scoffed at him "I know who Ezra is, I just never thought he'd be this weird" Rex nodded at rider and he said "he's been like this since he became a gray Jedi" rider nodded at the clone as he stopped talking, keeping his eyes on the

-time skip to the Lothal rebel cell base-

Rider and his passengers had just arrived at the mobile Lothal rebel command center, rider stops his car and he gets out of it, heading towards the middle of the outdoors base, Anakin, old man Rex, and Ezra followed rider, rider then explained the mission to get them into the Lothal weapons factory "we're gonna be disguised as workers from the factory, hit them hard from the inside" Anakin chuckled lightly at the older rebel "that's the best position to do some serious damage" Rex nodded his head at them agreeing about the plan, but Ezra said "true it's the best position but at one point, someone from imperial high command will investigate the factory's malfunction rates, and if what you said is true, this factory has the highest malfunction rate then any other factory site in the galaxy" rider stopped and he stared at Ezra's gray white eyes and he said with concern in his voice "well this plan wasn't was a friend of yo-" Ezra interrupted him "Mr.Suma, yes I know about his service in the rebel alliance" rider kept staring into Ezra's eyes, trying to find the funny, happy go lucky boy, he once knew years ago but all he saw were the eyes of a wise man, rider nodded at Ezra's logic as he continued his walk towards the middle and he spoke up "if what you said is true, then the mission may be compromised, but the rebellion needs to investigate that factory so we can't waste a single day" Mr.Suma walks up to them and he added to the conversation "do any of you have any manufacturing experience?" Anakin, Rex and Ezra replied at the same time "no" rider chuckled at them and he said "you guys will fit right in" 

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