That faithful day

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It's currently a Monday morning on Lothal, Anakin Skywalker is having a morning walk to stretch his limbs from the restful night with his wife padme, Anakin is walking through a city seeing it slowly come to life, he smiled to himself seeing that the empire couldn't take away there spirits, as Anakin is walking around he senses a disturbance in the force, he starts walking towards the disturbance, as he is walking a Mandolorion looking man walks up behind him, Anakin chuckled and he says to the man "Rex, you don't need to follow me" the clone chuckles at Anakin as he walks up next to him, Rex says to the Jedi "I know but your a prime target for the empire, so you need to be protected" Anakin smiles at Rex's concern, he then turns his head to Rex seeing him in civilian clothing and he jokes at him "civilian clothes? That's not your style" Rex cracks a smile at his generals attempted humor "less likely to get caught sir" "good idea Rex" "thank you sir" they both chuckled to them selves, Anakin turned to the side seeing an ally way feeling the disturbance coming from there, he then walks into the alleyway with Rex behind him with a pistol in hand, Anakin said to his cautious clone "holster your weapon Rex, we don't want to frighten anyone here" rex looks at Anakin cautious considering he didn't want his general hurt "are you sure general?" He said to Anakin who replied back to the clone "yes, nothing here is dangerous...besides you Rex" Rex laughed out loud, cuz it was a good joke, Anakin starts walking towards a cardboard box, he kneels down seeing someone inside the box, he tries to touch the boy inside the box but to only get bite, he pulled back his hand and rubs it, slightly frowning at the treatment, he looks into box again seeing a child with blue hair and electric blue eyes, he then says in a soothing voice at the boy "hey there little guy, whatcha doing in there" a few minutes has passed then the boy had replied "" Anakins eyes widened slightly then he says to the boy "where's your parents?" The boy replied back to the Jedi with sadness in his voice "there .....dead...." Anakins heart had almost stopped at the boys words, he gets onto his feet and he turns to Rex saying "go to padme and tell her of what has happened here" Rex nodded at his general, he then left the area to go find padme, Anakin kneels down again and he looks at the boy with soften eyes "hey...what's your name" the boy replied back to the man "I'm...Ezra....Ezra Bridger" Anakin smiled at Ezra and he says his own name "I'm Anakin Skywalker" Ezra faintly smiles at Anakin and he nods at him, then Anakin says to the boy "hey Ezra? Wanna come live with me?" Ezra looks at Anakin shocked and he shouted out "REALLY?" Anakin smiled sweetly and he nods at the boy "yes really" Ezra gets up and he hugs Anakin while sobbing, Anakin smiles even more as he gets onto his feet heading to his house to tell padme of what happened here 

(This is a prototype, so the storys may be short) 

Requested by: Ashura Skywalker- go to this guy, he's awesome, he makes awesome storys, read his storys, follow him do all that good stuff

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