There Was A Fourth...

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It's been several months since raiding Darth mauls base, the ghost crew had landed on Lithim, next to the circler formations of rocks, the girls of the crew are huddled around a fire, while Ezra and Galen are meditating infront of the frost bendu of Lithim, bendu spoke up in a near distorted tone that catches everyone's attention "Ezra Bridger, Jedi Knight, I have been feeling startling shifts in the force..." Ezra replied back to his master "I have been feeling them too, what do they mean?" "I am unsure Ezra Bridger, Jedi knight, but what ever they are, it's not good, these shifts indicate the end of all things..." Ezra stared at his bendu master and he spoke up "is it the empire?" "No....something far more evil..." Ezra looks down at the snow covered ground and he said "the end is near?...." Ezra then turned to his foolish padowan then he turned to bendu and he said "I may know what's causing those startling shifts" bendu stared at his student along with Galen, Ezra then continued "have you heard of 'The Ones'?" Bendu shook his Ox head and replied "I do not know of them, who are they Ezra Bridger, Jedi Knight?" Ezra explained to bendu "the ones are considered the aspects of the force, the one known as the son is the aspect of the dark side, the daughter is considered the aspect of the light side and the one known as father is considered to be the balance between the two, so people who heard this story or legend assumes that there are three of them to make up the force as a whole, but I have learned that there is a fourth, there are four aspects that makes up the force completely, Light, Dark, Balance and......Chaos, the monster of chaos, also known as ....Aboloth" Bendus eyes widened at Ezra's explanation along with everyone else who is around Ezra, Galen then said "but I have heard that the ones had died during the clone wars" "yes but the legend stats from the documents I had uncovered during my expeditions of ancient ruins across varies planets that the ones were keeping Aboloth sealed away from the galaxy but since there deaths, Aboloth had been freed due to an Ancient species called the Rakata, the Rakata had build a device that kept Aboloth at bay for many thousands of years, but since the ones death, Aboloth knows that she can leave her prison without any complications" bendu then said with fear in his voice "how can we stop a creature that has been around since the time of the old republic?" Ezra looked back down to the snow covered ground and he said ".....I don't think we can bendu..." Bendu stayed quiet, unsure of what to say on Ezra's warning, Galen then said "we should fight" this had caught everyone's attention, Sabine had spoke up "how?" "Hit it till it dies" Galen chuckled at his own joke, bendu chuckled lightly while Ezra cracked a smile, but the girls just stared at Galen with annoyed looks, everyone stayed quiet, thinking about the aspect of chaos of the force....about Aboloth....TO BE CONTINUED

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