The Point That Changes Everything

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Ahsoka, Obiwan, Anakin, Kanon and Ezra meets in the common room where every hides somewhere and watches what happens to there Jedi friends, Obiwan stood in the middle of the common room unnerved at the fact that Vader is on top of the ghost, Kanon and Ezra are sitting down trying to formulate a plan to defeat Vader while Anakin is next to the door, waiting for Vader to come through the door, after a while of waiting the ghosts door opened, and Vader comes into the ghost, his mask slightly destroyed due to his fight against Ezra, as he is walking in he looks up at the balcony that over looks the cargo bay, he sees padme, Sabine, Luke, Leia, Hera and Zeb pointing there blasters at the dark lord, Vader chuckled slightly and he said "I am not here for any of you... I'm only here for my apprentice..." Padme yelled out at the dark lord "AND WHOS THAT YOU MONSTER!?!?" Vader glares at his Formor wife and he said "after everything I had done, after all the Jedi I had killed, this is how you treat me?....I should've killed you back on mustafar...." Padme flinched slightly, not because of vaders darken threat, it was because vaders voice modulator malfunction was due to his slightly destroyed mask, thus his normal voice was heard, Vader then spoke up "is this why you left me Padme? you can follow blindly by a clone perpetrating as me? Pitiful..." Padme yelled out at the dark lord, even angrier "MY HUSBAND COULD NEVER BE AS VILE AS YOU!!!" Vader countered Padme's statement "the man called Anakin Skywalker is a fake, and weak, true power lies within the dark side..." Before Padme could yell at Vader anymore Anakin pats her back as he walks by her "stand down Padme, I'll handle this fake" everyone turned to Anakin who is glaring at Vader, and the other Jedi followed him, Ezra is among them, everyone looks at Vader who is glaring at Anakin but his eyes sorted when they land on Ezra and Vader said that pissed off Anakin "Ezra ....they are deceiving you" Anakin leaped towards Vader with his lightsaber ignited but Vader blocks the attack in his preferred defensive stance, Vader kicks Anakin into a couple crates, Anakin gets onto his feet and he assumes his form V of lightsaber combat along with Vader, Anakin slashed to the left but Vader blocks the slash, after several minutes of epic lightsaber combat, Vader cuts off both of anakins hands and he kicks him back into the crates, anakins family yelled out in shock and they about to shoot at Vader but Ezra jumps down from the balcony besides of obiwans protests, Ezra lands on his feet and he ignited his purple lightsaber, Vader turned to Ezra with his uncovered eye and he said with a soft voice "Ezra..." Ezra's eyes widened at the soft and gentle tone....just like his master and Vader said again "the man you call your master had deceived you...he is a clone, created by the emperor, to deceive the rebels, to bring them to there destruction" Ezra pointed his lightsaber at Vader "your lying!!!" Vader turned to Anakin with a glare and looked back at Ezra and he continued to talk to him in a gentle tone "and your friends are deceiving you as well, you believe that they love you and formed bonds with you? They only did that to maintain your power in there control...they never liked you Ezra, and your girlfriend?" Ezra's eyes widened immensely as he dropped his lightsaber onto the ground, he's so called friends are yelling at Ezra to not listen to him and Vader continued "she's keeping you on a leash, making sure you never reach your full potential, she hates you Ezra...they all do" Ezra had teams streaming off his face, unsure what to believe, Kanon grits his teeth as he jumped down with his lightsaber ignited, Kanon landed infront of Vader and he slashed down, Vader didn't make a single move as Ezra appeared infront of Kanon and blocked the lightsaber, Kanon looked into Ezra's eyes seeing the one thing he never wanted to see in Ezra....the evil Sith eyes....

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