Saving Ezra. Aftermath

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"NOOOOO." Leia shouted seeing her boyfriend eyes yellow as Vader smirked

"Ezra destroy everybody and then we can bring Leia back as to save her from the lies.If you kill her then we can save her." Vader ordered as Ezra hesitated but attacked 

"EZRA PLEASE DON'T DO THIS" Anakin yelled as Ezra attacked Leia

He leaped down as well and the two friends continued their fight. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in a display or orange and purple, white sparking in every time their blades crashed together. Their lightsabers clashed endlessly in intricate patterns and techniques prescribed to their forms. Ezra jumped and attacked Leia showing no mercy as he use form VII on Vader who had to blocked his strikes. Both duelist were launching heavy blows

"Ezra please listen to me." Leia asked begging at Ezra

"LIAR." Ezra shouted as he send Leia lightsaber as he stars at Leia

"STIRKE HER DOWN IT IS YOUR DESTINY TO REVIVE HER." Vader said as Ezra began to struggle

"I CAN'T." Ezra shouted as tears were forming in his eyes as Leia took her chance kissing Ezra as she wrapped her arms around him hoping to free him as Ezra dropped his lightsaber

"Leia." Ezra said as She nuzzled Ezra chest as Anakin smirked as Vader growled

"One way Bridger your will be mine." Vader said as he force pushed Leia

"LEIA." Ezra shouted activated his blade again

"Ezra I am the real one believe me let me help you." Vader said holding his hand as Ezra saw Obi-Wan 

"I won't let you take him." Obi-Wan said as Vader growled as Ezra fell to his knees holding his head

"WHAT DID YOU DO SITH SCUM." Anakin asked as Leia helped Ezra up

"Ezra and I are now connected so you cannot destroy the bond." Vader said smirking as Obi-Wan

"I won't allow the boy to be your pawn." Obi-Wan said as he glare at Vader as he force pushed Vader outside of the ghost

"Ahsoka get them out of here." Obi-Wan said

"MASTER NOOOO." Anakin screamed tears in his eyes as

"PLAN R" Ahsoka said as Obi-Wan nodded as the ghost took off

"Leia." Ezra said as he held his head as Leia hugged him 

"It alright Ezzy Vader is no longer here." Leia said as They heard the ramp opening as Obi-Wan jumped in

"GET OUT OF HERE NOW VADER IS GOING TO GO AFTER EZRA IF WE DON'T LEAVE." Obi-Wan said as Ezra groaned at the name Vader

"I am sorry." Ezra said with tears as Padme hugged him as Anakin looked at Ezra

"You were fooled. You couldn't tell the truth and almost did become Vader apperantice but you came back toward the light." Anakin said smiling as Ezra nodded as Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber

"Anakin he is ready." Obi-Wan said as Ezra widen his eye and bow

"By the right of the council by the will of force rise Jedi Knight Ezra Bridger." Obi-Wan said as Anakin stood proud at one of his padawan

"Alright prepare for boarding with the fleet" Hera said as Ezra felt something as Leia laid her head on Ezra as she feared that he in pain

"Ezzy." Leia asked as Ezra looked up at Anakin

"He back." Ezra said as Ahsoka widen her eyes


After the battle Vader destroyed the command ship

"Without a hyperdrive, you must abandon ship." Hera said as Sato nodded

"Sir, we have Star Destroyers in Sector 5." Rebel trooper said

"Lord Vader, we have entered the system and await your orders." Kallus said

"Move your Destroyers to block their escape, but hold your fire. I want these rebels alive." Vader said as he felt Ezra

"Soon boy you will be with me again." Vader said as Ezra body felt the cold as Leia hugged him trying to get his attention

"Ezra please focus on my voice." Leia said with a kiss on his cheek to get his motivation

"Okay." Ezra said 

"It's now or never, Commander." Hera said to Sato

"I regretfully agree. All hands, abandon ship. You'll have to keep that fighter occupied." Sato said

"Don't worry, sir." Hera said

"We seem to have his attention. Sorry to spoil your fun, Zeb, but I'm ordering Chopper to divert all power to the hyperdrive, including cannons." Hera said

"Hera, what are you doing?" Anakin asked

"I think I know." Kanan said

"Admiral, Lord Vader has separated one of the rebel ships from the rest of the fleet.Then that is our primary target." Kallus said as Admiral nodded

 "Ghost crew, the escape pods are secure. Fleet, commence hyperspace jump." Sato said 

"Copy that, Commander. We'll meet you at safe haven." Hera saod

"Get us out of here!" Leia said as Ezra head starting to feel dizzy cause of Vader

"Ezra, hang on we will be out of here soon." Luke said as Leia held her arm and helped him to ease the pain

"Chopper, angle all deflectors astern. The Star Destroyers aren't the ones firing at us! Now, do it fast!" Hera yelled

 Target moving into range." Kallus said

"It's Lord Vader's ship." Officer said 

"Release Release him immediately. It's not your fault, Officer. But Lord Vader won't know that." Kallus said

"Lord Vader, have you dealt with the rebels in the Lothal system?" Sidious asked 

"Yes, Master. They are broken." Vader said with a sly evil smirk

"And yet I sense in you something more to your victory." Sidious said with a grin hoping some result

"I believe the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker lives and is in league with these rebels. 

"Are you certain?" Sidious asked seeing good news

" It was her." Vader said smirking as Sidious laugh

"This is an opportunity we cannot let pass. Skywalker's apprentice could lead us to other lost Jedi. Such as Kenobi."

"He was their." Vader said as Sidious fell from his chair

"WHAT ANY MORE GOOD NEWS." Sidious asked hoping at least he found Ezra Bridger

"I manage to get Ezra to be a dark side for awhile until he was saved by his girlfriend." Vader said as Sidious smiled 

"For now, dispatch another Inquisitor to hunt them down with you." Sidious said 

"As you wish, my master." Vader said

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