Chapter 26

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I sat beside Kaito on the cave floor, our hands linked together. It felt like a lifetime ago that we had last been here. I looked up at Kaito and he sent me a warm loving smile.

I was so glad that everything had worked out perfectly. The whole journey back we didn't get disturbed once. I think it was because the news of our escape had travelled fast and people were scared that is they came anywhere near us they would face the same fate as the others. When we got back the castle  Alice greeted us with hugs and lots of tears. When Kaito's father found us he was furious but Alice screamed at him. He only agreed that we could stay after she broke down crying uncontrollably on the floor. 

Morveren allowed me to go on land to find Sophia and Mark. When I first found them I was in shock. They looked like they had given up. When they saw me I could tell they both unsure if they were hallucinating. It took them a while to come around and I had to tell my story at least three times. Eventually I managed to convince them to come down to the shore with me to meet Morveren. Then she told them her proposal to which they quickly agreed. It was amazing how naturally they could swim with their tails. It was almost as if they had always been that way.

They are still at the castle now and it has nearly been a week since we got back. I couldn't have stayed at the castle for any longer. Everything was getting on top of me. When Kaito suggested we go away for a while I couldn't help but agree. So here we are. Back in the cave where we first properly met.

I quickly snapped out of my day dream when Kaito wrapped his arm around my waist and gently lowered me to the floor. Our bodies lay facing each other as I outlined his muscles with my finger tips. 

'I love you Umi.' He said and before I had chance to say anything in return, his lips crashed onto mine and he pulled right up to him. From my reaction I finally realised how much I love him. Simple words would never be able to describe it. 

Authors Note: 

This is it! The end! I know that this is extremely short but I want to keep it that way. I don't want a really long finale. Anyway I hope you enjoyed my book and please check out my other stories. I have just started a new one called Love For The One I Hate :D

Song of the chapter: Lover's Carvings - Bibio. I thought this would be a great ending song :)

I honestly can't tell you how much I appreciate the people that have read my book. As I have said before I would have stopped a long time ago if no one read it so thanks :) 

I also wanted to say before I finish that this book is based on legend - The zennor mermaid. I might have already told you this but you can check out the legend if you want. Oh... and just incase you think that I stole this whole story, the legend is just Morveren falling in love with Matthew so it's only a part of the storyline :)

Anyway I better go before I can't leave this story. Thanks again for your support ^^

Panda :3

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