Chapter 3

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I was shaken awake the next morning. I opened my eyes and Sophia stood above me smiling. I groaned my stomach aching.

'Happy Birthday!' She said excitedly. I had completely forgotten! It was my birthday today! And better still there was no school!

Mark came into the room carrying a single present. He placed the small package down on the bed before sitting down on the edge. He pulled Sophia down so that she was sitting on his lap. They both looked at me expectantly.

I picked up the parcel. It was wrapped in light blue paper that was surrounded with a golden ribbon. I pulled off the paper and a dark blue box fell out into my hand. I flicked the lid open. Inside was a delicate bracelet. It was silver with tiny blue tear drops hanging off it all the way around. I looked up at Sophia and Mark. They were both still looking at me waiting.

'I love it!' I exclaimed. Sophia's face lit up. I knew that she loved giving gifts. She always spent ages shopping when she needed to buy someone a present. When I moaned that she was taking too long she would just explain that she needed to find something perfect. She had done just that this time. It was perfect!

Sophia jumped off Marks lap. She reached over and took the box from my hand. She pulled out the bracelet making all the small blue stones shimmer. I lifted my hand and she carefully clasped it around my wrist. 

It was even nicer on. The bracelet sat perfectly on my wrist. All the stones matching beautifully with my pale skin tone. While I was admiring my bracelet my stomach lurched. I clutched it feeling ill and for some reason lonely.

Sophia massaged my back as I lent forward. 'Do you need anything?' she asked me sounding very worried.

'No.' I managed to whisper. Although I knew that I needed something, I just wasn't sure what.

Sophia and Mark left me to sleep but I didn't want to. I wanted to leave. I wanted to get out of the house and go somewhere. I gave in after about half an hour of trying to sleep and got up and dressed.

I told Mark that I was going for a walk. He let me go telling to wrap up because he didn't want me feeling worse. I threw on my scarf and jacket before I left deciding it was best to take his advice.

I walked quickly down the road. My legs slowly began to ache as my feet slapped onto the hard pavement. I didn't know where I was going but I wanted to get there fast.

I realised that I was heading down to the cove. The cove holds so many memories. I have spent countless weekends down on the sand building castles and having picnics. I also love that I was found here as a baby. When I was first told the story I wasn't sure whether to believe it or not. It just sounded like a bed time story rather than the truth.

I practically ran down the hill leading to the cove. I could see the beach and I longed to be there. The sand looked unusually bright and the sea looked more clean and blue than it normally did.

When I reached the sand I began to change. I wanted to get into the water. I hadn't expected to come down to the cove so I didn't have a swimming costume. Nobody was around though so it didn't really matter. Not many people knew about this cove. Sophia and Mark had done a good job of keeping it a secret from everyone in our village.

I rushed into the water. It soothed my skin and made me relax as I waded deeper and deeper. The pain in my stomach had vanished and I felt content and whole. I stopped when the water reached my shoulders and just stood still letting the cool water lap up around my neck. My legs left slightly numb. I shook them to try and wake them up but it made no difference.

My body suddenly jolted and I began to shake. I was pulled underneath the surface. I struggled but I couldn't get out. I was stuck.

Authors Note:

Yay! Another chapter! I am really enjoying writing this book. I am really into the story which is making it so much easier to write than my last book. I have worked really hard this time to make this chapter longer. It is so annoying though because it feels like I am writing a lot but when I actually read back through it, it is short.

The song of the chapter is Into The Ocean - Blue October. I love this song and I think it fits this chapter perfectly. I will put a link to it at the side so that you can listen to it :)

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and fan if you have time :D


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