Chapter 15

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I flung the bag over my shoulder. It was surprisingly light considering everything I had packed.

Kaito's mum ( who I now know is called Alice ) had helped me get everything together. I could tell she was nervous about her husband coming home and finding her helping us. I was scared too. He could be back any minute. What would he do if he found out? Would he track us? Would he banish us too? 

Kaito swam in frowning. His face softened slightly when he saw me and he sent me a small smile.

'Ready to go?' he asked. I nodded knowing I didn't really have a choice. We had to leave as soon as we could. 

Kaito slipped his hand into mine carefully and sent me a kind smile. I returned his smile and we left. 

Kaito swam as fast he could while I whipped my head around keeping an eye out for his father. He quickly turned a corner and collided with something. I bashed into his back and he turned around to check that I was ok. I sent him a smile hoping that he couldn't tell that I was in pain... crashing into something so muscular isn't going to be pain free.

I peered round him to see what we had crashed into. Someone stood there. He had the same colour of brown hair as Kaito. His eyes were also brown unlike Kaito's deep blue ones. 

He looked back at me and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to duck back behind Kaito but I was stuck to the spot.

'Who is this?' He said, rudely pointing at me but looking at Kaito. Kaito's arm swept me behind his back protectively.

'Let us past.' He growled. Maybe he was over reacting. OK... This guy was rude but he hadn't done anything all that bad.

'Who is she?' The guy asked again. His tone remaining just as cold.

'Umi.' Kaito growled. I shivered. I didn't like the way he said my name. Something in his voice made it frightening. 'Will you let us past now?'

'Nope.' The guy said cheerfully. Then, before Kaito could react, he ducked behind his back and grabbed me. He then pulled me along behind him. Yet again I didn't know how to react so I just stayed still. His swimming isn't as smooth as Kaito's but it could be something to do with the fact that Kaito was now chasing after us. I couldn't look at him. He looked murderous and it was too frightening.

The guy dragged me into a room and placed me down onto a chair before Kaito came storming in.

'What do you think you are doing?' He bellowed. The guy just shrugged and I could see that he was trying to hide a smirk. Kaito grabbed my shoulder at the same time as the guy grabbed my arm. I looked up Kaito and then looked back at the guy who had now let the smirk take over.

'You know you can't win.' The guy said and I heard Kaito let out a deep sigh.

'What do you want?' Kaito said sounding completely fed up.

'Just to know who she is.' The guy answered. 'Or maybe she could tell me herself.' Kaito's grip tightened on my shoulder.

'I'm Umi.' I mumbled looking at the floor. He chuckled. 

'I know that. But how come I have never seen you before?' He paused but not long enough for me to reply. 'Maybe you two are dating!' He said over excitedly. 'Finally! How long did it take.' He said looking at Kaito.

Kaito's grip tightened on my shoulder so much that it hurt. I tried to hide it but the guy must have noticed.

'Will you let go. You are hurting her.' As soon as he said it Kaito's hand jumped off my shoulder. 'Now back to you.' He said looking at me in a strange way that really creeped me out. It was like he was trying to find out everything about me by looking in my eyes.

I didn't know what to say to him. His deep brown eyes were beginning to make me nervous. Panicky thoughts began to rush through my head and before I could think about it I blurted out. 'We are going to save Morveren.' I clamped my hands over my mouth hoping that I had imagined the words that just came out of my mouth. I then made the mistake of looking up at Kaito who now looked evil and was refusing to look at me.

'Oooh!' The guy said excitedly. 'Can I come too?' He asked as he jumped up. Kaito let out a deep growl which he ignored as he began to pack a bag humming away to himself.

'Finished.' He said as he hung the bag on his shoulder. He then swam up to me looking me straight in the eye. 'I'm Sosuke by the way.' He said as he offered me a hand. I reached out to take it but Kaito grabbed me and began to pull me out of the room. Sosuke grabbed my other arm making Kaito stop. Great. Now I am stuck in between two really muscular guys that could easily tear me in half. Why me...?

'I take it dad doesn't know about this?' I looked at Kaito but he didn't respond so I shook my head at Sosuke. 'I know a way to get out without dad seeing us.' He said looking proud of himself. I tried not to laugh at how cute he looked. Kaito sighed and Sosuke pulled us both to a tapestry in the corner of the room. He swept it back revealing a large passage way. 

Kaito let go of my arm when we were inside obviously deciding that we were now safe. But Sosuke didn't let go. Instead he slipped his hand down to hold mine. I knew he was just being friendly so I didn't mind. He was quickly growing on me. At first I wasn't sure what to think of him. But now he just seems cute and friendly. All rudeness forgotten.

'I am so excited.' He told me his eyes shining. To be honest he really didn't need to tell me that I could tell just by looking in his eyes.

Small lights dimly lit the passage way in a blue-ish light. I looked closer trying to figure out what they were. They looked like some sort of plant but it was glowing softly. They were the only things in the passageway. No shell decorations like every where else. The passage way itself looked like it had been carved through stone.

'Did you make this?' I asked Sosuke. He nodded proudly then quietly said, 'With a little help.' ,as if he didn't think I would hear it. He just gets cuter and cuter!

Author's note:

Do you love Sosuke? Because I do! He acts so much like a little kid and he can get so stubborn... He is just so cute! Sosuke I love you!

I don't have a song for this chapter. I might come back later on and put one in but just now I want to get the chapter up. It also usually takes me a while to find a good video to put up so I am just going to leave it for just now... Sorry...

Anyway thanks for reading and I will post again soon so you won't miss Sosuke for too long :L

Panda :3

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