Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to Steph Mühli

Kaito decided that he trusted the lady enough that we could stay for a while so that we could do some research on the prison that Morveren was imprisoned in. I was a little worried. We didn't know this lady or what she was capable of. What if she had powers like me? She would be stronger than me if she did. I trusted Kaito's judgement though and tried to push the anxieties to the back of my mind.

Instead I tried to control my power. I sat for hours on end sitting on the seat that me and Kaito had slept on the first night we were here, and tried to focus my attention on the small silver coin that Auntie Erica had placed on the small table in front of me. 

That was what she insisted we call her, Auntie Erica. She was always rushing around catering for our every need. It made me feel guilty so  tried to do as much as I could myself so that she couldn't insist on doing it for me like she always tried to. Kaito and Sosuke seemed glad of her help because they were out everyday and they were starving when they got back. 

They wouldn't tell me where they went. I occasionally heard them talking about where they were planning to go. But they always stopped when they saw me and my ninja skills aren't all that good so I never catch much of anything.

It didn't make sense. I was supposed to be helping, wasn't I? Not sitting here on my own staring at a coin, feeling completely useless.

Maybe I should just talk to them about it. I had been putting it off because I didn't want to make Kaito angry. But I'd had enough. I couldn't take it any more. Neither Kaito or Sosuke had spoken to me in days. It was a week since we had come here and all I wanted to do was leave. I liked being here with Auntie Erica but not when the boys stopped talking to me. No-one was helping me either. I had no idea how to work on my power so I had achieved nothing so far. The coin just wouldn't move.

I thought about the round ridged edges of the coin, letting it's shape sink into my mind. I looked at all the tiny little scratches that created a cobweb across it's surface. I looked at the small sweeping numbers that were almost impossible to read.

I imagined it moving to the right, concentrating all my mind on it. But it didn't go anywhere. I heard something behind me but I ignored it. The coin was the only thing I could think about and it was starting to annoy me. I was desperate for it to move.

'Umi?' Someone said as they sat down beside me. My eyes snapped away from the coin.

'Yes?' I replied. Kaito sent me a small smile.

'Nothing.' He whispered.

Was that it? After all these days, that was it! That was all he was going to say to me. He had nothing to say, Nothing?

Kaito gently placed his hand on my tail, instantly making me feel less angry. I let out a deep sigh. Why had I been angry again?

'Sorry.' He said so quietly I wasn't sure if he had said it at all. He pulled me towards his muscular chest and held me tightly. His body was comfortingly warm and his arms felt like they should always be there, holding me.

'I'm sorry we didn't take you.' Kaito told me as I listened to his voice vibrate in his chest. 'I didn't want you to get hurt. I knew if I told you where we were going you would insist on coming with us.'

'Where did you go?' I asked taking my head off his chest to look up into his deep blue eyes.

'We went to speak to some people who know the layout of the prison. People who have been inside. Most of them were bad people, Umi. I know you would have wanted to come but I couldn't risk you getting hurt.' His eyes turned a deeper shade of blue as they gazed into mine but I turned away from him. 

'I can look after myself you know. I told him stubbornly.

'No, Umi. You can't.' I didn't know how to reply to him, so I didn't. He was probably right. I had no idea what these people had done to be put into prisonor what they had done to get out. But I still wanted to be there. I could have learnt a lot more from the people rather than just hearing it from Kaito and Sosuke. At least then there was no chance that they could hurt me. I still wasn't happy with the fact that they had gone though. Surely if they were dangerous they shouldn't have gone either.What if they had been hurt. There would be no-one there to helpp them. They had made it back all right, which is the most important thing.

'Sosuke, love.' Called Auntie Erica from the next room. 'Can you help me carry all this. I'm afraid I just can't carry it all.'

A few minutes later Auntie Erica and Sosuke swam through carrying what looked like a feast. My stomach growled loudly and I looked down as I blushed. Kaito chucked beside me before reaching out to take a bowl from Auntie Erica.

We ate in silence. It wasn't awkward silence and I was kind of used to it after all this time. Sosuke stuffed his cheeks and he looked like a really cute hamster. He looked up and caught me staring at him. He sent me a kind smile which made him look even funnier.

'Sosuke.' Auntie Erica scolded. 'Don't make faces.'

I couldn't help but laugh when Sosuke looked down guiltily. Kaito soon joined me and so did Sosuke although he was trying very hard not to spit food everywhere which made me laugh even more. Auntie Erica just watched us before shaking her head lightly and beginning to eat again.

When we had helped to clear up I came back to the seat to sleep. I lay down, stretching out before turning onto my side and bending my tail. Kaito drifted up to me stopping in front of me. I looked up at him but before I got chance to see his expression he scooped me up into his arms and sat down where I had just been. I cuddled into his chest and sleep began to tug at me. I didn't want to fall asleep. I wanted to listen to his heart beating and his slow rhythmic breathing but listening to them was making me more and more tired. Eventually I just couldn't keep my eyes open.

Author's Note:

Please comment or vote. I love to get feed back. Is there anything you liked or didn't like? What do you think is going to happen later in the book? I would love to hear what you have to say!

Sorry again I took a little longer than I thought I would to write a new chapter. I am aiming to upload at least once a week but I would like it to be more often. 

Song of the chapter Red Ribbon Foxes - A Fine Frenzy. I know this is a Christmas song but I am so excited. Christmas is my favourite time of year! I have already watched some Christmas films :) What are your favourite Christmas films? Mine are It's A Wonderful Life ( I watch it every Christmas Eve) and Polar Express!

I dedicated this chapter to one of my best friends that moved back to Germany recently. I love you Steffi and I miss you :(

Thanks for reading!

Panda :3

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