Chapter 4

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I lay motionless underneath the surface. The pull of the sea making my hair billow around me. I couldn't move. I kept my mouth shut trying to keep the water out that was threatening to burst through my lips. The water won rushing into my lungs. I waited for pain but it didn't come. I took another lung full of water and watched as the last bubbles of the air that had once filled my lungs shimmered to the surface.

I stayed still for a while after that, just letting the water rush in and out of my lungs. It felt relaxing and almost natural. I watched the surface above me. It swayed silently, ripples making the sky dance. I felt at peace and I just wanted to stay forever.

A small blue fish darted in front of my face bringing me swiftly back to reality. That was when it hit me. I was lying underneath the sea, breathing in the water and still alive. I didn't know what to think.

I tried to stand up so that I could get out of the water but my legs wouldn't work. I looked down at them and gasped. Around about my hips my skin faded into light blue scales that cascaded down onto what should be my legs. Instead they melted together forming a long elegant tail. I stared at it acting like if I stared long enough it would disappear. But it stayed exactly where it was.

I flicked my tail slightly and it propelled me forwards heading further out into the sea. The water gradually grew darker around me as I swam forward. I rushed past fish and over all sorts of seaweed that swayed gently as I passed.

Before I realised I was in the middle of nowhere. I spun around but there was nothing around me but the ocean. I thought that I should be feeling scared but instead I felt free. I could swim anywhere. I could swim all the way to other countries. I could swim beside beautiful fish. All the happy thoughts evaporated when I looked down at my wrist. The bracelet was still fastened there.

What would I do about Mark and Sophia? What would I do about all my friends? 

I decided I couldn't leave them. I had to go back. But which way was home? I had no idea where to go as I spun on the spot. Realising that I couldn't go anywhere I let my body sink to the bottom of the ocean. As I sank the water changed from crystal blue to an inky colour. I closed my eyes and let myself fall.

Authors note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) I have been trying to write more every chapter but I don't want to write a load of jibberish just to make the chapter longer. So sorry if it is quite short.

Song of the chapter Swan Song - A Fine Frenzy

Thanks for reading :D


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