Chapter 9

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I held Kaito's hand as we swam. I had taken it pretending to try to comfort him but I was really reassuring myself.

His brown hair was pushed behind his face because we were swimming so fast. I wanted to slow down. I was in no hurry to get to his house I just wanted to turn back but I would never do that to him. So I kept on swimming beside him trying not to think about where we were going. 

The sea was growing more beautiful and the water was getting warmer. We were passing over huge reefs and seeing more and more fish. I wanted to go down and explore. Maybe I could at some point but not now.

Kaito hadn't spoken the whole journey and I was beginning to worry. I didn't know what to say to him though and it was getting very awkward. I squeezed his hand hoping that it was a comfort. He didn't respond so I tried again thinking that he hadn't felt it. He turned to look at me finally and smiled.

'Are we going to be there soon?' I asked. He stopped swimming and turned around to face me. His eyes were full of concern.

'Are you tired? He asked.

'No.' I told him but I guess it was too late because he scooped me into his arms as I said it. I blushed a deep red and I turned away from him so that he couldn't see my face. 'Put me down.' I told him sternly.

'Nope.' He casually replied before starting to swim again. 

I crossed my arms and looked at him grumpily. He just laughed and didn't stop swimming. I gave up and relaxed into his arms. It was then that I properly realised what was happening and I began to feel scared and very happy at the same time. 

'Why are you creepily grinning?' He asked smirking down at me. I blushed again and looked down. He laughed at me. I looked up and his eyes were shinning. I wanted to throw my arms around him but that would make this situation even stranger to I suppressed the urge.

I looked forward to see that we were approaching some buildings. They looked like they were built out of rock but they looked natural because seaweed had grown up the sides and fish swam everywhere. It was stunning. I gasped and Kaito chuckled again. 

'This is where I live.' He told me. 'Except my house is up there.' He pointed to the top of a hill where a castle was sitting. It was brightly coloured and shimmered in the clear water. 

'Really?' I asked. Not sure if I should believe him or not. Surely he didn't live somewhere like that and want to be away from it all the time. He nodded and started to swim through the village.

We passed lots of mermaids and mermen. They all bowed at us and didn't move again until we had passed. Kaito didn't look at many of them and the ones he did, he smiled at quickly before looking away again. I could tell that he was only doing it to be polite. His hands were in fists by his sides and the muscles in his arms were tense. He glanced back at me to check that I was ok, sending me a small smile, before continuing. 

The village was larger than I had first thought. It seemed to go on forever. I was beginning to get worried. Everyone we passed looked so much stronger than me and many of them were looking at me as if challanging me. Some of them looked at me in awe. I had no idea why though.

Finally we reached the bottom of the hill. Kaito stopped and waited for me because I had fallen a little behind. When I reached his side he grabbed my hand and then started to swim up to the castle.

I could see now that it was made of gemstones and pearls. It was tall, probably with at least 5 floors. At each corner there was a tall turret that stood taller than the rest of the castle. Seaweed that had small white flowers swirled up the turrets and covered their roofs.

When we reached the front door a man came and opened it. Just before we went inside I looked back at the village. Everyone had left their houses and were watching us. 

Kaito swam inside and I had no choice but to follow his since our hands were still linked. 

Everything in the huge entrance hall was covered in mother of pearl. It shone all the colours of the rainbow as light hit it from a window somewhere up high. At the other end of the entrance hall was a large stair case. It too was mother of pearl but it had magnificent golden railings. I pondered as to why they would need stairs as Kaito pulled me forward and turning left entering a smaller room.

This room wasn't quite as grand. The walls were left bare stone and the floor was pebbled but the room was full of gold. Kaito sat down on a golden seat and I sat down beside him. 

We just sat there waiting. I didn't know what for but I didn't want to ask. Kaito stared forward looking at nothing. He was deep in thought and I didn't want to disturb him in case he got angry.

He looked at me suddenly and asked, 'So do you like it?'

'Yes!' I paused. 'Hang on... I am still angry at you.' Again he began to laugh. It echoed of the walls and he doubled over unable to stop. I began to laugh with him and I soon got a stitch. I clutched my side but was unable to stop. His laugh was so infectious and I just couldn't help it!

'WHAT IS THAT RACKET!' A voice shouted through the door. We both stopped immediately at looked worriedly over at the door.

Author's Note:

Sorry I took so long to write this chapter. I have been busy and ill :( But I guess I shouldn't make excuses!

I hope you enjoyed reading. I liked writing this chapter. I tried to make it longer and so me being OCD, made it 1010 words. I know it's still not really long but I am working on it! I really am!

Ayesha has finished the cover! I just need to get it up. I am not very good at arty things on the computer but all I need to do is scan it in and put some text on it... which I have never done before... I know! I am a sad excuse for a higher computing student :L

Song of the chapter Sleeping Butterflies - Yusuke Itagaki. I really like songs in other languages :D

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Panda :3

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