Chapter 16

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When we got out of the tunnel the bright sunlight was painful and it gave me a headache. I didn't know how long we had been inside the tunnel but it felt like ages. The whole time Sosuke had held my hand and Kaito had been behind us. Kaito hadn't said anything. I looked back at him a few times. The first time he sent me a small smile but after that he refused to meet my gaze. Sosuke had also been quite quiet but I could tell that he was still excited because his eyes were shining.

It took a while for  my eyes to adjust because of the sun but when they did I finally saw where we were. I couldn't see many fish but there were plants everywhere. Bright flowers bloomed below us  and they swayed slightly after we had passed. 

Sosuke let go of my hand and swam down to a cluster of blue flowers. I missed having his hand in mine. It wasn't the same as Kaito's but it was still comforting. 

Sosuke quickly swam back to me holding out one of the blue flowers. He tucked it carefully behind my ear then lent forward and kissed me lightly on the cheek. Kaito growled loudly. 

'Something wrong?' Sosuke asked, smirking at him. Kaito said nothing but he sent Sosuke a terrifying glare. Sosuke just chuckled. Then lent over and whispered in my ear. 'I think I better stop holding your hand or his head might explode.' He pulled away from me laughing and I couldn't help but laugh too. 

'What is it?' Kaito said trying to look angry but really he was worried about what we had said.

'Nothing.' We both answered, then burst into another fit of giggles. 

Kaito started swimming away from us in a huff. We followed. I had managed to stop laughing now but I couldn't stop smiling. 

I thought about what Sosuke had said. Did he think that Kaito liked me. It was obvious he didn't so why would Sosuke think that? Maybe I had misinterpreted Sosuke. Maybe...

Sosuke sent me a cute smile before swimming to Kaito's side. They chatted together happily and I left them to it. I didn't want  to interrupt them and I was quite happy to watch them getting along for once. Just watching them made me fell happy.

'Umi?' Kaito said bringing me out of daydream.

'Yes.' I mumbled, still not quite back in reality yet.

'Would you like to stop to rest soon?' He asked me. I nodded suddenly feeling tired now that he had mentioned it.

'Ok then!' Sosuke said excitedly. 'Follow me!' 

I laughed as Sosuke danced along in front of us singing to himself happily. I wanted to swim beside him but I also didn't want to leave Kaito. It felt like too long since I had last swam beside him and it made me feel happy. 

I looked up at Kaito to find him looking at me. He quickly looked away again and I thought I saw his cheeks tint a pale pink but I wasn't sure. 

'Do you know where he is taking us?' I asked him. He just shook his head without looking at me. 

I slipped my hand into his and got a little closer. I don't know why but our contact made my cheeks heat up and I turned away so that he wouldn't see me. 

'Ooooh! You two are so cute together!' Sosuke called from in front of us. Immediately Kaito dropped my hand and put a little more distance between us. I glared at Sosuke who smirked then turned back and started swimming again. I looked at Kaito confused about why he dropped my hand. Sosuke was only joking.

I didn't know whether to talk to not so I began to swim again. I swam quickly so that I would catch up with Sosuke. I was upset that Kaito didn't want me with him so I didn't want to talk to him.

'Why did you say that?' I demanded as soon as I caught up with Sosuke. He sent me a scared look and I immediatly regreted being so rude to him.

'Because it is the truth.' He told me still looking a little worried.

'He would never like me in a million years.' 

'But the way he looks at you...' Sosuke said. Then laughed at my expression. 'I can tell he likes you though.'

'But why would someone like him like me?' I asked not really expecting an answer. 

'Why wouldn't he like you?' Sosuke asked.

'Because he is handsome and kind and-' Sosuke cut me off.

'Ok this is my brother we are talking about I don't want to hear your fantasies about him.' My eyes grew wide. Did I really just say that out loud? Did I just admit that I find Kaito handsome? I guess I can't deny it now but I don't like him in any other way than a friend.

I glared at Sosuke so that he would get the message that I wasn't happy with him and swam back to Kaito.

'Is everything ok?' Kaito said as I continued to scowl at Sosuke.

'He is bullying me.' I said without taking my eyes off Sosuke's back. Kaito laughed loudly. I turned to frown at him.

''You are like a little kid.' He gasped in between peals of laughter. I just continued to scowl at him not caring if I was acting like a child or not. 

'You're cruel.' I said to him before swimming slightly ahead.

He slipped his large hand into mine and mumbled an apology. When I turned to find his face right in front of mine and I could see straight into his beautiful blue eyes. I felt my heart speed up as he lent closer to me but it dropped as he pulled me into a hug.

Author's Note:

Sorry not much happened in this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it anyway :)

I'm sorry that it took me so long to upload this. I tried to upload it yesterday but my dad (just being his lovely self) decided to block me from the internet. I also have my dancing exam coming up soon and I have been so busy dancing and trying to fit in my homework that I haven't had enough time to write.

Song of the chapter The War Inside - Switchfoot. I can't stop listening to this song! I love it!

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Panda :3

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