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Alex's POV

-A year and a half later-

"Can you, for once in your fucking life, try to act like a normal person?"

Indi's voice in my ear caused me to burst out into laughter.

"I am acting like a normal person," I said to her.  "I'm dancing.  Isn't that what you're supposed to do at a wedding?"

"Yeah, but not like that.  You look like my grandpa."

I turned to look at her then.  We were standing in the dance floor tent, which was crowded with half drunk people dancing.  There were colored lights bouncing all over the place,  but she was by far the most captivating thing in the room.

Despite the fact that the bridesmaid dress Rose had picked out was absolutely hideous.  

"You know," I said, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close to me.  "Pink ruffles really suits you."

"Shut up," she said, shooting me her signature glare.

I'd gotten used to that glare in the past year and a half.  We'd spent nearly every moment of it together, jumping from LA to Sheffield to Kansas to London.  I could tell sometimes that it all wore her out, but she was still here, and that meant absolutely everything to me.

But we'd settled down in the past month, and things had been fucking wonderful.  We'd bought our first apartment together in LA, right down the hall from Matt and Rose.  We spent most of our time there, and Indi definitely kept life interesting.  

Especially last week when she'd come home with three kittens she had found in the street.  She swore up and down that we'd just keep them for a few weeks until they grew a bit and could fend for themselves, but we both knew that was a lie.

"Can you believe they're actually married?" Indi said, nodding over my shoulder.  I followed her gaze to see Rose and Matt in the middle of the floor, slow dancing despite the song being annoyingly upbeat.  Her white dress was ridiculously over the top, and she looked like a million bucks next to plain-looking Matt, who had already taken off his suit coat.

But they looked so incredibly happy and I couldn't help but smile when I saw them.

And of course it was almost impossible to ignore the small bump that had already begun forming on Rose's stomach.

"We really need to get a move on," I said, turning back around to face her.  "Marriage... a baby... we have to catch up with them."

She laughed.  "Not so fast, Turner.  We'll be lucky to make it through the next year without killing each other."

I smirked.  "We've made it this far."

She smiled, pushing the curls that had escaped her updo off her face, and I swear I'd never seen anything more beautiful.

"Let's take a walk," I said, nodding for her to follow me off the dance floor.  We passed Jude on the way, who was flirting it up with one of the bird's Miles had brought along.  He smiled at us as we went by.

"Ay, look who it is," Jamie said as we passed him and Nick standing by the bar.  "The next couple in line."

Indi shot him a look and he put his hands up in surrender.

"I know we're here to celebrate Rose and Matt," Nick said. "But let's be honest, we knew that they would end up together.  The real shock is seeing you two together."

Indi and I caught eyes, laughing.  He definitely wasn't wrong.  I think we were both just as surprised as they were.

We talked a while about the new album Miles and I had just released before I told the lads to shut up and get back to drinking.  I took Indi by the hand and led her toward the garden, which was rightfully gorgeous because of the price Matt and Rose had paid to rent the place out.

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