[sixty three]

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Indi's POV

I almost had a heart attack when I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone going off.

Because I realized, with absolute shock, that my head was on Alex's lap.

Oh god.  Oh god oh god oh god.

I sat up as carefully as I could, trying not to wake him up.  He was still passed out with one arm slung over the back of couch.  His dark hair was an absolute mess, but I doubt mine looked any better.

I decided right then and there that he couldn't know about this.  He could definitely not know about this.  

I stood up quickly and dashed to my phone lying on the kitchen table, which was still ringing.  Rose was requesting to FaceTime me, and when I answered my voice came out way too breathy.

"Hello?" I stammered, sitting down at the table.

"Good morning bitch," she said.  She looked like she was somewhere on the beach, wearing her favorite sunglasses and yellow bikini.  Matt popped into the shot for a moment, smiling at me.

"Hey Matt," I said, my voice still flustered.

"I haven't heard from you since we left," she said.  "I was calling to make sure you and Alex hadn't killed each other."

Just then I noticed Alex getting up from the couch, running a hand through his chaotic hair.  We caught eyes for a moment.

"No, we're both still alive," I said.  "For now."

She squinted at the camera.  "Are you okay?  You look like shit."

"Thanks, Rose," I grumbled.  "But yeah, I'm fine."

Was I really, though?

"You're welcome," she laughed.  "Well we're on the beach and I don't want to talk for too long, but Matt needs to talk to Alex real quick."

"Honey, it's for you," I called sarcastically, standing up and holding my phone out for Alex.  His eyes were still sleepy and he yawned as he took it from me.

"I'm going to take a shower," I told him, blushing like a fucking idiot as the image of my head on his lap flashed through my mind.  "You only have permission to talk to Matt.  Nothing else.  Disobey the rules and you'll be locked out for the rest of the week.  Got it?"

"Sure, love," he said, still half asleep.  

I stayed there for another moment as he said hello to Rose and Matt before I headed down the hall.  Maybe I should have stuck around for the conversation, but weirdly, I trusted Alex with my phone.  

And I just really wanted to get away from him for a moment to think about how in the hell unconscious me had wound up with my head on his lap.

I don't know what was happening.  With me, with him, with us.  

All I knew was that it was trouble.

And I should really stay away from him.  He was toxic.  

I knew what he would do; he would be so perfect and charming and funny and I would fall for him just as hard as I had in Colorado. 

And then he would be gone, and just like last time, I'd be left to clean up the rubble. 

I could see the ending right then and there as I stood in the bathroom.  But as I heard Alex's voice from the living room, laughing that beautiful fucking laugh as he talked to Matt, I couldn't bring myself to care.

And that is what scared me more than anything. 

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