[forty eight]

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Alex's POV

The moment that disaster girl's eyes landed on me from across the room, the electric feeling I'd been chasing for the past eighteen months hit me all at once.

All of a sudden I felt so fiercely alive.  And all she had to do was look at me.

Her eyes searched me, wide with shock, as if she couldn't really believe what she was seeing.  

To be fair, I couldn't believe that I was here, either.  It had all been very last minute. 

So last minute, in fact, that it involved me running off my flight to Sheffield ten minutes before takeoff.  I waited at the airport for five hours to buy a ticket for the next flight to Kansas City, and so now here I am.  

In all honesty, I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.  All I knew was that Indi was still stuck in my mind, and by the looks of it, she wasn't going anywhere.  All I knew was that I had to have her back in my life.

All I knew was that I had to fix things.

But as her eyes turned to slits, I couldn't help but get the impression that fixing things might take a little more than writing an album for her.  

She looked different.  Something about her seemed more mature, but that could have just been the makeup.  She was wearing a black dress that clung to her in all the right places, and her hair was straightened.  But I could tell by the way frizz was already beginning to form that her waves would be back by the end of the night.  

And just like that very first day at the radio station, I found it impossible to look away.  

Even more so when the eyes of the man next to her landed on me and he slid an arm around her waist.  

I might have gotten angry if she'd of paid him any attention.  But she was still fixated on me, the two of us speaking a thousand words with just one glance. 

But I still didn't like the look of her on another man's arm.  I took a long drag of my cigarette and blew it out, causing disaster girl to disappear behind the cloud of smoke.   I stared through the haze, trying to find her again.

"Excuse me," a girl said, approaching me from the crowd and breaking my concentration.   My eyes flicked to her for half a second before returning to their search for Indi. 

"Sir," she said, trying to get my attention.   "Sir, you're not allowed to smoke in h-" 

She stopped abruptly and I knew what was coming.  

"Oh my god," she said.  "Are you who I think you are?"


"Yes you are.  Holy shit.  Holy shit!"  

This time I had to look at her.  She was elfish and angular, with black hair and eyes too dull to pay much attention to.  I stared at her, waiting for her to get the whole starstruck thing over with.

"You're Alex Turner," she said.  "Oh my god, Rose didn't tell me you were coming.  Um, I'm Alice, I'm Rose's friend.  And you're... you're Alex Turner.  Holy shit."

"You want an autograph?" I asked her, bored.

"I watched you on Letterman yesterday," she exclaimed, ignoring my question.  "I can't believe you're here.  You're actually here."

"Uhuh," I said.  "Now if you'll excuse me-"

"Are you going to sing?"


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