[twenty one]

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Indi's POV

"Do you really think I care what's going on here?" I asked slamming Alicia's car door. "I have to fucking pee. Which, I could have done if you'd given me enough time to even breathe this morning. I'm going inside to find a bathroom."

"Indi," Rose said, following after me. "They're filming something in here. Matt told me to wait outside for him."

"Again, do you think I care? I've been holding it this entire trip."

What could they possibly be filming at a closed-down ski resort that wouldn't be detrimental for me to interrupt briefly? Maybe some shitty independent film, at best. There were a few cars and vans parked out front, but nothing important looking.

"Until you can give me details about what they're doing inside, I'm going in," I said, marching toward the front entrance.

"He's in a band," she said, quickly. "They're filming a music video, or something, I think. I dunno, it was really noisy in the club while he was telling me about it."

But I wasn't really listening-- a side effect of when you're bladder is literally screaming at you.

I pulled open the front door, leaving Rose behind. I passed a couple people on my way in, all of them looking like they belonged to a film crew. But none of them seemed to take a second glance at me.

The bathrooms were right down the hall from the lobby, just as I'd hoped. I nearly sprinted to them. The lights were turned off, and I hadn't brought my phone to help me find the light switch, so I peed in the dark. Not as scary as one might imagine.

I washed my hands quickly and hurried back out the door, laughing in my mind at Rose all the while. I was in and out before I'd known it, and nobody seemed to be bothered that I was there.

And I almost, almost made it out without incident.

Until I saw the sunglasses.

They were sitting on top of a bag laid on the floor near the front entrance, and at first glance, they could of been any sunglasses.

But of course, they weren't.

They were bent out of place on the right side.

Oh my god.

I stopped immediately. Everything seemed to come together at once.

Alex told me that his friend had been with him at the club, the same club Rose was at all night. The guy Rose couldn't stop talking about was in a band, and the whole reason Alex was even in Colorado was to film a music video.

How. In. The.  Actual. Fuck.  Had.  I.  Missed.  That.

Had I been that frazzled last night and this morning that I couldn't put two and two together?

And it was then, as I stood there in horror, that I heard his voice. It was coming from behind a door to my right. Something inside of me jumped with excitement.

I never believed in fate before, but after this trip, there was no convincing me otherwise.  There had to be a reason Alex and I kept running into each other, hadn't there?

I was suddenly nervous and giddy and freaked out all at once. He was going to shit himself when he saw me, I was sure of it.

So I pushed the door open, ready to give him the shock of his life, but instead, I was given the shock of mine.

Because Alex Turner was standing in the room, holding another girl in his arms.

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