[forty seven]

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Indi's POV

"Where the hell is this club?" I asked Rose as we turned the corner of yet another street.  We'd been walking for almost fifteen minutes now, and my heels were starting to fucking hurt. 

"It's just around the corner," she assured me.  "We're almost there."

It was only four of us out tonight- me, Jude, Rose, and Matt, which I thought was odd considering that it was my birthday.  Our other friends had seemed pretty excited that I was finally 21 and could go out drinking with them, but I guess not excited enough to join in the festivities tonight. 

Seeing as it was my 21st, I let Rose dress me up.  I was wearing a short, black cocktail dress with long lace sleeves that made my arms feel like they were in casts.  Rose had straightened my hair, which had taken almost an hour to do, and she topped it all off with heavy makeup.  Well, heavy compared to what I usual wore. 

So I didn't exactly look like myself tonight.  I didn't exactly feel like myself, either.  And I kind of liked it.

"There it is," Matt said, pointing up ahead at a club that looked pretty dead.  My excitement dropped a little.

"Are you sure we want to go there?" I said.  "I mean, we passed a million bars that look much funner than that."

"Don't be so quick to judge," Jude said, linking his arm with mine.  "You never know, it could be the hottest club in the city."

"There's literally no one there," I argued.

Rose laughed wildly, but I didn't think my quip was that funny.  She was still laughing by the time we made it to the doors, so much so that Matt and Jude had joined her.  My friends were complete fucking weirdos.

"Hey Mark," Matt said to the huge bodyguard at the door.  Mark nodded back at him and pulled the door open for us.

"First name basis with the bouncer?" I said.  "You guys much come here a lot without me."

They started laughing again.  I was about to ask them why they were all being fucking weird as we entered the eerily dark club, when suddenly colorful lights began flashing and a shit ton of people popped up.

Oh fuck. 

"Happy birthday!!!" They all yelled just as music began pounding all around us.

A surprise party.  I guess I should have seen that coming.   

I stood there in shock as Marcus, Angela, Julia, and Alice split from the crowd of people and came running over to me.  They all pulled me in for hugs with a chorus of happy birthday's. 

"Holy shit guys," I said, too astounded to say much else. "You guys... a party.  I can't..."

"You really think we would miss your 21st?" Marcus said, laughing.  "We got you good, didn't we?"

"Yeah, we've only been waiting years for the baby of the group to finally catch up to us," Julia said. 

"Thank you guys so much," I said, still wide-eyed.  "You know I fucking hate parties, but thank you. Seriously."

But I knew who I really needed to thank. 

I turned to Rose.  By her face, I think she was expecting a dirty look, or maybe even a punch, so it was hilarious to see the pure shock on her face as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Wait... you're not mad?" she asked, incredulous.

"I'm furious," I said, pulling back and looking around at the huge party.  "Because you didn't have to do all of this for me.  No one has ever done this kind of thing."

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