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Indi's POV

I was never going to see Alex Turner again.  And I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about that.

I pulled my phone out just as I left the front doors of the hotel.  Rose had called me seventeen times since I'd silenced it. 

Sighing, I punched in her number.  She answered on the first ring.

"Holy shit! You're alive?!" she said.  "Where the hell are you?  We've been looking everywhere."

"I'm just right outside," I lied.  "I needed some fresh air.  I'll meet you at the bar in a few minutes."

"Just stay outside," she said.  "We're on our way out, anyways.  But Indi, oh my god, I met the most amazing guy.  I can't really hear anything right now but I'll tell you all about him when we get outside."

"Okay," I said, surprised at the sadness in my own voice. 

I hung up the phone and started toward the club, trying to bleach myself of emotion.

I had no reason to be upset.  My night with Alex was over, and tomorrow life would go back to normal, our worlds pulling apart into separate directions.  Just like I'd wanted.

Just like it should be.

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