Chapter 8

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John and Evelyn were back in London after their three week honeymoon. They had begun to settle into their new home and live a normal life. It had been stressful moving furniture into their house, though there wasn't much to move. John brought very little to the house, for he didn't own much. He brought his books, photographs, dressing case and an armchair that had been donated to him.

Evelyn on the other hand, being as extravagant as she was, brought a multitude of personal items, such as her chaise longe, dressing table, book collection (which was far larger than John's) and a wardrobe full of dresses. They had bought a few essential items such as a bed and Anne and Frederick had donated some furniture but the house was still bare.

It was a quiet day as the two walked about London to buy more furnishings. So far they had managed to source sofas for the drawing room and two more beds for some of the other rooms.

"We've made a pretty good start so far." John said as they walked back home.

"Hm? Oh, yes." Evelyn said, indifferently.

"Are you alright dear? You seem a little disconcerted." he looked at her.

"Oh no, I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little under the weather." she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I hope you're not coming down with something."

"I don't think I am." she said as they walked up their pathway.


Two days later, Evelyn was having her friends over for afternoon tea whilst John was catching up with Mr Treves.

"So how are things going with John?" Sarah asked, delicately holding her tea in her hands.

"Wonderful. We don't have too many more rooms to decorate. I'll be glad when it's over, the house is in such a state!" Evelyn said.

"How was the honeymoon?" Beatrice raised a coy brow.

"Oh it was lovely. Fawsley Hall was spectacular. I think we'll definitely be returning in the future." she put her cup down.

She put her hand to her forehead and her face grew pale.

"Are you alright Evelyn? You look a little pale." Beatrice asked.

"I'm sure I'm fine. I just feel a little uneasy."

"How long have you been feeling like this?" Sarah asked with an inquisitive countenance.

"Just the past few days," she paused, wide eyed, putting her hand to her mouth, "Oh dear, please excuse me." she muttered as she ran to the bathroom.

She returned a minute later looking ashen faced and dull.

"Oh Evelyn, how are you feeling?" they rushed to her side.

"I'm better now." she said, wiping the corners of her mouth.

"Have some water dear." Sarah poured a glass and handed it to her.

"Thank you Sarah. Oh, this is all very unpleasant. I don't know what could be wrong with me, I don't think I have a fever."

Sarah and Beatrice cast a knowing glance at one another.

"Have you missed your cycle this month?" Beatrice enquired.

"Well, come to think of it I have." Evelyn answered.

"Have you been having any cravings?" she asked.

"Well I have been quite partial to cake recently. Wait a minute, you don't think I'm..." Evelyn looked worried.

"Pregnant? Well maybe you are." Sarah said.

"Not to be crude but have you and John had intercourse yet?"

"Well...yes." Evelyn's cheeks flushed.

"Maybe you should see a doctor, just to be on the safe side." Beatrice suggested.

"I'll see if I can book an appointment tomorrow. I don't know how I'd tell John, obviously with his condition I wouldn't expect him to want children." her countenance grew anxious.

"Do you want children?" Sarah asked.

"I do, but I don't think I'd have the patience to raise a child with a deformity. Oh, that was awful of me!"

"Don't worry dear, I don't think any of us would have the patience. But you'd make a wonderful mother. We're sure of it."


"Evelyn Merrick?" the receptionist called.

Evelyn stood up and followed her to the doctor's office.

"Ah, you must be Evelyn. What seems to be the problem?" the doctor greeted her warmly.

"Well I think I might be pregnant."

"Well, let's see if you've been having any symptoms. Have you been feeling nauseous?" he asked.


"Have you missed your cycle this month?"


"Have you been feeling partial to any type of food?"


"Right, and when did you last have intercourse?"

"Three weeks ago."

"Well, it's definitely looks as though you're pregnant. Congratulations, I'm sure a beautiful lady like you will make a lovely child." he smiled at her.

As she walked home, she wasn't sure how to feel about it all. Should she be overjoyed? Should she be concerned? Despite her negative feelings she did feel happy to be having a child of her own and she was prepared for whatever troubles she may face.

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