Chapter 2

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John hardly slept that night. He couldn't stop thinking and contemplating the decision before him. When morning came at last he had made his mind.

He promptly dressed, ate his breakfast and set out. He had organised at the the reception of the hospital for a cab to pick him up. Apprehension grew within him as he stepped outside into the cab. It had been a while since he had travelled alone and his last experience had been far from pleasant.

He was headed for Mr Treves' house to ask him an important question. Once he arrived, he quickly made his way to the door and knocked.

"John, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?" Mrs Treves greeted him.

"I'd like to speak to Mr Treves, is he in?" he said.

"Yes, come in." she ushered him inside.

"He's in his study." she guided him upstairs.

"Frederick, John is here to see you."

Treves looked up from his work, "Ah John, sit down my boy." he gestured him to sit.

"I'll leave you two alone." Anne said before she headed downstairs.

"What brings you here John? You didn't have to come all this way, you could've waited for me to come to the hospital." he said.

"I felt it would be best to discuss this matter in your own home." John replied.

"What is it John? Is something the matter?" Treves asked curiously.

"Well I... I need your blessing." John began nervously.

"My blessing? For what?" Treves furrowed his brow in puzzlement.

"To marry Evelyn." he said.

"Oh my goodness! Yes of course you can marry Evelyn! Oh John this is wonderful!" Treves exclaimed jubilantly.

"Thank you so much Mr Treves!" John said, almost managing to smile.

"Oh no don't thank me. And please, call me Frederick." he smiled.

"We must tell Anne." Treves descended down the stairs, John following after.

"Anne, John has something he'd like to say."

"What is it?" she asked.

"Well I've spoken to Mr Treves—I mean Frederick, and he's given his blessing for me to marry Evelyn."

"Oh my! I'm sure you'll make a wonderful husband John. Congratulations!" she smiled warmly at him.

"Have you bought a ring yet?" she added.

"No, but I plan to this afternoon."

"Well you'd better get going! I wish you and Evelyn all the happiness in the world!" she said before John left.

He felt an aura of happiness as he got back into the cab.

"Take me to Graff jewellers please." John said to the driver.


He could feel the contemptuous glances as he walked up to the counter.

"Are you sure you're in the right shop sir?" the man behind the counter looked him up and down with a countenance of disdain.

"Yes I'm quite sure." John said assertively.

"Well then, what are you looking for?" he asked, not trying to hide his scorn.

"I'd like the best engagement ring you have." he replied.

"An engagement ring? And for whom might that be?" he sneered in disbelief.

"For my partner of course." John remained unfazed.

"I see. And how do you intend on paying for such a ring?" he raised an eyebrow at him.

"With this." he said as he pulled a wad of bank notes from his jacket.

The store worker's eyes suddenly lit up as he looked at the money before him.

"Very well sir. Here are our finest rings. The diamonds are perfectly cut and completely colourless. You won't find better rings anywhere else in Britain." he opened a case revealing four dazzlingly bright rings.

"These rings are all so beautiful, it'll be hard to choose one." John gawked at the large, sparkling diamonds.

"Yes they are truly exquisite." his disgust now wiped away.

"Hmm." John inspected each ring.

"I think she'll love this one." he said as he pulled out a gold ring with diamonds all the way round the circumference of the band and an enormous, glistening diamond in the centre surrounded by an intricate pattern of diamonds.

"Wise choice sir."

"That'll be three hundred and fifty pounds." he said as he placed the ring in a box and wrapped it.

John counted out the money and handed it over.

"Enjoy the rest of your day sir." he waved goodbye before John departed.


"Hello John, have you selected a ring?" Treves walked into John's room.

"Yes, I think Evelyn will find it hard to resist." John opened the box for Treves to see.

"Oh my, it's beautiful John. That must have been expensive." Treves marvelled at the ring.

"It was, but she's worth every penny."

He paused for a moment.

"But, what if she doesn't accept?" John looked at Treves.

"Nonsense John. She loves you. I've seen the way she is when she's with you." Treves assured him.

"You truly think so?"

"With all my heart. Now I have work to be getting on with. If you need anything you know where to find me."

John sat on his bed, looking at the ring. Now that he was absolutely sure of her love he had decided tomorrow was the day to propose.

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