Chapter 9

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"Goodbye Frederick." John turned and waved to Mr Treves as he walked up his pathway.

"Goodbye John." Treves smiled before he walked back towards the cab.

John entered the house and hung his jacket up before walking to the drawing room.

"Hello dear, how has your day been?" John asked.

"Very good. Sit down dear, I have some news for you." Evelyn gestured for him to sit beside her.

Curious, John went to sit down.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong?" he said.

"No, I think you'll find it's quite the opposite. John...I'm pregnant." Evelyn placed her hands in his with a smile on her face.

"Pregnant? Oh goodness..." his ungiving features showing as much worry as possible.

"...well, this is good news." he said, not wanting to upset his wife.

"I know what you must be thinking but we mustn't think negative in a time like this." Evelyn tried to reassure him.

"But I couldn't bare to curse a poor, undeserving child with my grotesquity. I couldn't handle the guilt of bringing such an unfortunate being into this world." John was growing anxious.

"But equally the child may not inherit any deformities." she said.

"But what if they do? They'll hate themselves and us for creating them. Would you really want a deformed child? How could you love it when you know how much better it could've turned out?"

"I would love that child because it was mine. No matter how our child looks we will love and care for them like we would any other. This is our baby John. Anyway, you don't even know if your condition is hereditary." she looked into his eyes.

He sighed, "True but you can't be disappointed at me for feeling this way. We'll just have to hope and pray this child is normal."


The next day, John and Evelyn were headed to Mr Treves' house to break the news of Evelyn's pregnancy.

"Hello Mother." Evelyn embraced her mother.

"Hello dear. It's been ages since we last saw one another." Anne smiled.

"Oh hello John. How are you?" she said.

"I'm very well thank you."

"It has been a while but I'm here now, and I have some news for you and Father." Evelyn ushered her mother into the drawing room where Treves sat reading his newspaper.

"Evelyn my dear, come in." he greeted his daughter with a hug.

"Ah John my boy." he hugged John.

"So what would you like to tell us?" Anne said, sitting next to Mr Treves on the sofa.

Evelyn looked at John excitedly before looking back to her parents, "I'm pregnant."

Anne and Treves exchanged a worried glance.

"Well, we're very pleased for the both of you." Treves said, putting on a smile.

"But have you considered the possibility of your child inheriting John's condition?" Treves grew more solemn.

"Well, yes, but we don't know if his condition is hereditary." Evelyn tried to remain well composed.

"True, though even I being a doctor couldn't tell you if his condition is hereditary nor what the likelihood of inheriting it is."

"We're just going to have to hope for the best then." Evelyn said sternly, beginning to lose her composure.

There was a pause, "Shall I make us all some tea?" Anne spoke.

"Yes dear, thank you." Treves said.

They all sat round the table, an uneasy silence clouding the air.

"So have you thought of any names yet?" Anne said while they sipped their tea.

"No not yet, I only found out yesterday." Evelyn said.

"I see, how far along are you?"

"Not long, only three weeks." she put her hand on her pregnant stomach.

"So the baby must be due sometime in April?" she asked.

"Yes, the doctor reckons so."

"Is there any way of knowing if the baby will inherit my condition?" John spoke up.

"Again, I don't think there is, I'm afraid to say. We could run every test we could think of but I can guarantee none will give a result. I wish I could say there would be but there's nothing any doctor can do." Treves said.

"So we won't know until the birth if the child will be...deformed?" Evelyn struggled to say the word.

"I'm sorry my dear. Medicine in this age is so very limited."

Evelyn's shoulders sank as her hope was diminished.

"Let's hope God will be forgiving." John said.

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