Chapter 10

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Seven months had passed and Evelyn's pregnancy had been going smoothly. Despite her and John's best efforts to get answers about the baby inheriting his condition, they still knew nothing.

"Goodness, you're the size of a house." John said as Evelyn got out of bed and took her clothes out of the wardrobe.

"I know, it's such a strain on my back. I'll be glad when the damn thing comes out!" she smiled.

"Don't say such things, you don't want an early pregnancy." he said, watching her as he sat on the bed.

"Don't worry so much, it'll be fine. Anyway, I'm eight months pregnant."

"It's getting harder and harder to lace up my corset. Pregnancy is such a nightmare, I don't understand how some women can have so many children." she said as she struggled to lace her corset over her ample breasts.

John couldn't help but let his eyes wonder down from her face.

"John, you're so naughty." she said with a flirtatious smirk.

"Forgive me my dear, I can't seem to help myself today." he teased as he got up and went to dress himself.

"I wonder what we will call the baby." Evelyn said, gently caressing her pregnant stomach.

"I think it'll come to us when the baby's born." John said.

"I don't know why you keep such a distance from the baby." she said wistfully.

"I don't want to taint it with my grotesquity. I can't take any chances." he grew stern.

"What nonsense. Nothing you do will change the genes of this child. Please John, you haven't touched me in months, you haven't even held my hand. It's ridiculous. Please John, just put your hand on me, feel our baby move." she took his hand.

"No, I can't risk it. I can't bear to mar the flesh and bones of that child!" he jerked his hand away.

"Why are you this way John? No matter what happens this is our child and we will love it no matter what!" tears began to fill her eyes.

"How can you be so unconcerned about all this? Don't you realise what an unfortunate life may lie ahead for that child?" John asked, almost shouting.

"Unconcerned? I'm terrified! I can't bear the thought of what may lie ahead but I'm trying to cast the thought from my mind for the sake of us and the baby." she looked crossly at him.

She sighed, releasing all her tension, "Please John, please. Just hold me." her voice was barely above a whisper.

Finally, John gave in, seeing how much he had upset his wife.

"I love you so much my dear. I couldn't bear to see the disappointment in your eyes when that child is born if it is like me." he tenderly embraced her.

"I've missed this so much." she said, clinging to her husband as if he would disappear if she let go.

Once more she took his hand and brought it to her stomach. He looked hesitantly at her, reluctantly moving his hand.

"Come on John. This is your child."

For the first time since the start of her pregnancy she saw his unmoving lips curl into a small smile of contentment.

"You see my dear, you needn't be afraid." she said.

"I'm sorry my darling, for all I've put you through. But you can see the reason for my concerns. I only want the best for you and the baby. Please, forgive me." he lifted her chin to meet her gaze.

"I forgive you John. Now kiss me." she said, pulling him in for a sensual kiss.


Three more weeks had passed and everyone waited in anticipation for the arrival of the baby.

"When are you due?" Sarah asked.

"It should be only a week now." Evelyn said.

"Goodness. I remember how much excitement I felt when my little Andrew was due." Beatrice smiled.

The three of them sat huddled on the sofa marvelling at Evelyn's baby bump.

"I remember when you were only a few weeks along. Now you look ready to explode!" Sarah said.

"Yes, at this point I just want it to be over and done with." Evelyn said.

"I know how you feel. You treasure it at the start but eventually you just want it out of you!" Beatrice chuckled.

"I feel like I'm missing out. Patrick and I have been trying to conceive the past few months." Sarah said.

"Oh don't worry Sarah, your time will come. And when it does you'll know that feeling of joy." Evelyn smiled at her.


"Evelyn must be due very soon now." Treves said, pouring tea for them both.

"Yes, it's only a week now." John said.

"How are you feeling about it all?" Treves looked concerned.

"Well, I am pleased. I dare even say I'm quite happy about it. But I can't brush off my fear that this child will be like me. Maybe not now but in a few years. I wish I could be more optimistic but it worries me so." John's eyes filled with gloom.

"I understand. A child is a big commitment, and an ever bigger one if it were to inherit your condition." Treves said.

John was silent, his eyes looking away from Mr Treves.

"Sorry John, that wasn't very helpful." he said with a chuckle, trying to lift John's spirits.

"You needn't apologise. You're perfectly right." he said.

"I want you to try to be positive John. We don't know the chances of the baby being deformed. There may be no chance at all, who knows? We'll just have to hope the baby will be normal."

"I'm trying to be positive. Really, I am. But it's so hard, a child is stuck with you for life, you can't just cast it aside if it isn't to your liking."

"We'll just have to pray to God. Surely he will be kind to us." Treves said.

"Well he hasn't been very kind to me." John said sternly.

"I know John, but we must have faith." Treves tried to reassure him.

"Faith is all I have. Faith that everything will turn out fine and that this child will not be cursed with my misfortune."

"We'll just have to see what fate brings us." Treves said.

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