Chapter 13

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"Good morning Mr Merrick." Miss Williams smiled as she laid down a tray of tea before John who sat reading the newspaper.

"Good morning Miss Williams." he looked at her over his newspaper.

"Anything planned for today?" she asked.

"Not to my knowledge. Evelyn is just about to head out to work and I'll be sitting here like always."

"Well, I ought to be doing the housework. Enjoy your day Mr Merrick." she walked to the kitchen.

"Here's some letters for you to look through John." Evelyn passed a pile of letters to John before hastily grabbing her coat and heading for the door.

"Goodbye dear." she said, closing the door behind her.

John sat with Mary Anne cradled in his arms, gently rocking her as she suckled on a milk bottle. She was now eight months old and growing very rapidly.

"Do you need any help with Mary Anne?" Miss Williams asked, standing in the doorway.

"No I'm managing fine Miss Williams. She's my only company at present." he said.

"I could keep you company if you wanted." she spoke slightly quieter.

"That really won't be necessary Miss Williams." he was slightly taken aback by her overfamiliarity.

"Ok Mr Merrick." she turned away, "you can call my Natalie if you wish." she walked briskly away before John had time to answer.

John knew he was too kind to tell her off, but he couldn't deny that she seemed to forget her place.


"Hello John." Evelyn kissed her husband upon her return.

"Hello Evelyn. I've been lonely all day with you gone. Mary Anne and I have had to content ourselves with each other's company haven't we dear?" he said, carrying Mary Anne.

"I know, but I'm working on a project right now which means I have to work longer than usual. I'm sorry dear but it won't have to go on like this much longer." she kissed him on the cheek.


John had got up that night to fetch himself a glass of water from downstairs. He walked carefully down the stairs, the dim glow of the lamp in his hand the only light in the darkness around him. As he walked down the hallway, he heard footsteps approaching and a faint light coming towards him. As the figure came nearer it turned out to be Miss Williams.

"Miss Williams, what are you doing down here at this hour?" John asked.

"I forgot to turn off some of the lights downstairs." she held her lamp to her face.

"I see. Well, I was just on my way to get a glass of water." he walked past her.

"Wait." she put a hand on his arm.

"Does she really make you happy?" she asked, in a hushed whisper.

"I beg your pardon?" John was alarmed by her audacity.

"You're such a kind, lovely man. She's just a pretty face, I don't know what you see in her."

"How dare you speak in this manner. You have no right to insult my wife like that!" John was outraged by her comments.

"I could make you happier than you'll ever know. There's more to me than that superficial doll." she leaned in and kissed him.

He immediately drew back and pushed her away from himself.

"What in God's name do you think you're doing?" if he were capable of expression he would have a countenance of abhorrence.

"You know perfectly well what I was doing." she took a step towards him.

"Stay back! Evelyn is my lover, not you, and you never will be!" he sped up the stairs away from her as fast as he could.

"Don't deny your feelings, don't you see we're perfect for one another!" she called after him.

He quickly shut his bedroom door behind him. He let out a sigh of relief, back to his peace at last. John could hardly take in all that had happened. He dared even say he was flattered and amazed that someone other than Evelyn had fallen for him.

He walked over to the bed, watching Evelyn as she slept, serene and idyllic. He knew he loved her and only her with great fervency. She was the one who would be by his side for eternity, not Miss Williams. He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead before climbing back into bed, eventually falling back asleep.

When morning came, John made sure to wake before Evelyn, so that he might have a word with Miss Williams. He found her preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Hearing his footsteps, she turned to face him, her eyes looking to the ground after they met his.

"Hello Mr Merrick." she was stern.

"Miss Williams, I would like to have a word with you." John was being unusually dominating.

She was silent.

"Now I'd like to say first that I like you and I would like you to stay, but if it is necessary I will dismiss you. Your behaviour last night was completely out of order, and you made some very rude comments about my wife. You must understand that I have no interest in you and you must stop pursuing me at once. I love my wife very much and would never leave her for anyone. I am prepared to forgive you if you promise to leave me alone. Let's just put this behind us." John spoke concisely.

"But I have fallen in love with you Mr Merrick." she pleaded.

"Well you must fall out of love if you want to keep your job." he was indifferent.

"Good day Miss Williams." he said, walking away before she could protest.

"You're up early John." Evelyn said as she walked down the stairs.

"I had a rather light sleep last night." he said as they walked to the dining room.

There was an awkward silence as Miss Williams brought through their breakfast.

"Thank you Miss Williams." Evelyn said.

John continued to remain silent as he and Evelyn ate.

"Is there something the matter John? You seem unusually quiet."

"Oh no, not at all." he tried his best to hide obvious distracted state.


Again he sat alone with Mary Anne in the drawing room, finding ways to pass the time. In the afternoon Miss Williams brought him his tea. Silent, she placed the tray on the table before rushing away.

John tried his best to forget last night's ordeal but the thought lingered in his mind all day. It had felt so strange to be kissed by the lips of another woman that wasn't Evelyn. He just didn't understand why she was attracted to him. Then again, he didn't really understand why Evelyn was attracted to him either. Of course he knew himself to be kind and charming but one look at his face would turn the stomach of most people. Perhaps there was something there that made him attractive to women, but what it was he didn't know.

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