Chapter 11

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"The house looks wonderful now that it's fully decorated." Anne said as they sat in the drawing room together.

"Yes, it's been quite a challenge managing to furnish every room but it was definitely worth it!" Evelyn said.

"She's been working non stop trying to decorate the house. I've tried to tell her to rest but there's no persuading her." John said.

"But you'll be glad of my determination now that we have a beautiful, finished house." she said.

"Shall I get more tea?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes that would be lovely, thank you dear." Treves said.

"Let me handle it Evelyn, you need to rest." John tried to take the teapot from her.

"I can manage on my own, I'm pregnant not on the brink of death." she said as she stood and walked to the kitchen.

"Well at least let me bring the plates through." John said.

"You really do need to take it easy Evelyn. You don't want to hurt yourself or the baby." John said as he washed the plates and out them away.

"I'll be fine. I'm not exerting myself too much. You don't need to — " Evelyn paused as a burst of liquid hit the floor with a mighty splash.

"Oh heavens, my water's broken!" Evelyn exclaimed.

"Dear Lord! What should I do?" John was in a flutter of panic.

"Get my Father to send for the midwife. Hurry John!"

"Ah!" she keeled over in pain as her contractions began.

"Mr Treves! The baby's coming! Go and fetch the midwife!" John burst back into the room.

"Goodness, I'll go right away." Treves said as he made a quick exit.

"Oh my, Evelyn dear!" Anne called out as she rushed to her daughter's side.

"Come on you need to sit down." she said as she helped her to the sofa.

"Is there anything I can do?" John asked, fearful for his wife.

"Can you get her a cool cloth?" Anne said.

"Yes of course." he said.

"Just keep breathing dear." Anne said.

"Oh it hurts so much!" Evelyn said, throwing her head back in agony.

"I know dear, but you must be strong." Anne put a comforting arm around her.

"Thank you John." she said, putting the cloth on Evelyn's head.

"The midwife's here." Mr Treves called out as he came through the door thirty minutes later followed by the midwife.

"Let's get you to your room." the midwife paused for a moment as she saw John. She had been numerous times before to check up on Evelyn but his shocking features caught her eye every time.

John helped the midwife to take Evelyn upstairs before leaving to let her get changed.

"I'll need you all to wait outside." she said, closing the door.

"Oh dear god, I can't believe this is actually happening!" John exclaimed, becoming overwrought with emotion.

There was unrest in the room as Evelyn's muffled cries carried through the wall.

Anne and Frederick kept quiet, knowing there was nothing they could do to ease John's nerves.

John burst into tears as an unsettling scream came from the room.

"She must be in so much pain." he sobbed hysterically.

"It's going to be alright John." Treves tried to calm him.

Three hours passed though John was on edge for every second. He sat praying, hoping for dear life that Evelyn would be alright and the baby would be normal.

Eventually the door opened and the midwife stepped out with a reassuring smile on her face.

John's heart was beating so fast he thought he might faint. The three of them looked to her with frightful suspense.

"Mr Merrick, why don't you come and meet your beautiful baby girl." she said.

John was relieved as he saw Evelyn healthy and smiling with a perfectly formed little baby in her arms.

"She's so perfect." John said with a loving smile as looked at his daughter.

All his fears and uncertainties seemed to disappear as thought they never existed as he saw her peacefully sleeping in her Mother's arms.

Then she revealed her warm brown doe eyes, looking to her mother and her father.

"She has my Mother's eyes." John said.

"I can't believe such a beautiful creature came of me." he said, gently stroking her fine hair.

"You see it was worth it all in the end. Now we have our reward for all our troubles." Evelyn looked to John.

"Here, hold her." Evelyn passed her to John who took her carefully into his arms as though she were as fragile as porcelain.

"Hello you." John rocked her softly back and forth, his constrictive mouth allowing him as big a smile as possible.

"What shall we name her?" John asked.

"Well I was thinking, Mary, after your mother."

"You would name her, after my Mother? Oh Evelyn you are an angel." John was brimming with joy.

"I have a better name. Mary Anne." he said.

"I love it." Evelyn looked lovingly at her husband.

"Our little Mary Anne." Evelyn said as they watched her sleeping peacefully.

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